
agricultural adj.農業的,耕種的,農學(上)的。 an agric...


The world food imbalance is a problem of agricultural ecosystems and their management . 世界糧食生產的不平衡是農業生態系統及其管理部門的一個問題。

This illustrates that agricultural reforms need to go hand in hand with general economic reforms . 這說明農業改革需要與全面的經濟改革同步進行。

Many countries say agricultural self-sufficiency is an aim of their agricultural programs . 許多國家宣稱農產品自給是它們的農業規化的一個目標。

During the past few years, many new chemicals have been produced for agricultural purposes . 在過去幾年中,人們生產了許多新型的農用化學藥品。

We will consider all of the systems listed in our examination of agricultural ecology . 我們考慮把所有的系統列入我們農業生態學的研究范疇。

Many development strategies now give priority to agricultural and rural development . 現在,許多發展戰略都把農業和農村的發展放在優先地位。

The available work was mostly in the agricultural south and paid poorly . 可能獲得的工作大部分在南方農業區,而且只能得到少得可憐的工資。

One obvious way of earning the foreign exchange needed to expand agricultural exports . 獲得所需的外匯的一個明顯的辦法就是擴大農業出口。

To achieve parity for agricultural prices, the act of 1938 provided a number of devices . 為了取得農產品平價,1938年立法提供了一些辦法。

Basic ecology has similarly been ignored in many agricultural schools and universities . 同樣,許多農學院和農業大學中也忽視基礎生態學。

The previous sections have given come indication of the high costs of agricultural taxation . 前幾節已經提到農業稅收高代價的一些指標。

The importance of agricultural exports is brought out in greater details in table 1. 2 . 表12較為詳細地表明了農產品出口的重要性。

Economic planners fumbled ineffectually with agricultural and industrial programs . 經濟計劃制訂人徒勞無益地在摸索農業和工業規劃。

The first sector explains the characteristics of agricultural policies in industrial countries . 第一節闡述工業國農業政策的特點。

Agricultural lands are those used for crop cultivation or grazing by domestic animals . 農業土地是用于作物栽培或家畜放牧的土地。

Agricultural policy has been far more effective in increasing output than in reducing it . 農業政策對于增產的作用始終大于減產。

The agricultural practice became a challenging and rewarding vocation . 農業實踐活動變成了一種富有挑戰性,而且又有收益的行業。

Most agricultural crops are bred for their seed, seed appendage, or fruit . 大多數農作物的育種是為了種子,種子附屬物,或果實。

Different sectors of society seek different benefits from agricultural research . 不同的社會階層從農業研究中尋求各自的利益。