
agribusiness n.農業綜合企業〔其業務包括農產品的加工,農業機械的制造...

During this course , it is necessary to promote agricultural integration and to make agribusinesses exert the “ leading roles “ 在這一進程中,必須推進農業產業化經營,發揮農業企業的“龍頭”作用。


To achieve such a change , however , india would need to shift its focus from peasant farming to agribusiness and encourage private capital to move from urban to rural areas 然而,為實現這一轉變,印度必需把重點從農耕經濟轉移到農業綜合企業,鼓勵私有資本從城市轉移到農村。

During the sessions on agribusiness management , the facilitators used a lot of charts , pictures and case studies to explore the better ways to the operation and management of a farm 農戶經營管理培訓方面,輔導員采用大量的圖片實例來講解如何更有效的管理運營牧場等。

It is quite an important issue in agricultural development study on how to develop and enhance our agribusiness so as to speed up our agricultural and rural modernization 如何發展和壯大農業企業,加快我國農業和農村現代化的步伐,是研究農業發展問題的重要課題。

At the same time , the organizational bonding mechanism between the agribusiness organizational bodies and the peasant households is not perfect and lacks rational restraining mechanism 產業化經營組織主體與農戶的組織聯結機制還不完善,缺乏合理的約束機制。

The agribusinesses not only are the powerful driver of the agricultural modernization in our country , moreover are the forceful impetus of industrialization of agriculture 農業企業不僅是我國農業現代化的有力推動者,而且是農業產業化經營的強力帶動者。

The goal of the nabso , harbin is to stimulate the bilateral sino - dutch corporation in the field of agribusiness in general and dairy - industry in particular 該代表處的任務是,廣義上講促進中荷農業領域里雙邊的合作,特別是乳業領域里交流與合作。

However , technical breakthroughs are beginning to lower the price ( although still not to the artificially low levels that agribusiness is used to paying ) 盡管如此,技術的突破是開始降低價錢(縱然已不是人工化的低層次,要農業綜合企業去支付) 。

Has conducted a seven - day training of trainers and agribusiness management in hulunbeier city , inner mongolia from march 6 , 2006 to march 12 , 2006 在內蒙古呼倫貝爾市舉辦了為期7天的培訓者的培訓和農戶經營管理培訓班。

The few in number agribusiness ’ s research results mainly concentrates in agribusiness ’ s management , development environment , and so on 在為數不多的農業企業研究成果中,主要集中在農業企業的管理、發展環境等方面。

However , the domestic and foreign researches mainly concentrate at present in the industrial enterprise aspect , are few to agribusiness 然而,目前國內外的研究主要集中在工業企業方面,對農業企業的專門研究較少。

Syngenta is a world - leading agribusiness committed to sustainable agriculture through innovative research and technology 先正達是世界領先的農業科技公司,致力于通過提供創新的科研技術為可持續農業發展做出貢獻。

In the modern market economy , agricultural development must carry on the organization innovation and cultivate modern agribusinesses 現代市場經濟條件下的農業發展,必須進行組織創新,培育現代農業企業。

Meanwhile , the training in agribusiness management has also reinforced the extension workers knowledge about agribusiness 與此同時,農戶經營管理培訓也增加了推廣工作人員關于農戶經營管理方面的知識。

During this course , it is necessary to promote agricultural integration and to make agribusinesses exert the “ leading roles “ 在這一進程中,必須推進農業產業化經營,發揮農業企業的“龍頭”作用。

Research of the relationship between technical investment in an agribusiness applying import sunstitution strategy and the numeer of franchisers 進口替代農產品企業的技術投入與經銷商數量關系研究

In the mid - 1990s agribusinesses began advertising gm seeds that promised to reduce a farmer ' s use of toxic pesticides 農產公司自1990年代中開始宣傳基改種子,向農友保證可降低有毒農藥的用量。

One of the country ' s largest agribusinesses is recalling more than a million pounds of ground beef 全國最大的農業綜合企業之一卡吉爾公司現從市場召回了超過一百萬磅的牛肉餡餅(牛肉末) 。

Greater efficiency can partly be achieved through using the sort of machinery and technology that agribusiness brings 使用這種農產品生產企業的機器和技術可以部分地提高農場生產效率。