
agrestic adj.1.鄉土(氣)的。2.粗野的。

Chapter 3 the agrestic dialect for first to “ authenticity “ theories proceeding solution , combining developments to settle area t farmer of applied that theories proceeding guide , intending using the “ authenticity “ set up to have the changsha ground the area the ownership the to settle the area 第三章首先對“原生態”理念進行解述,并應用該理念對農民安置區的建設進行指導,意圖用“原生態”理念指導有長沙地域歸屬的農民安置區。


During the new - style school which stood for the new cultural and was sustained by the government was entering into the country , the private school which stood for the old cultural also was struggling to exist resorting to its agrestic adaptability and special functional agility . the private school was replying to the challenge from the new - style school . when the two style schools were facing each other , there formed the exceptive pattern of education 代表新文化的新式學校以政府為其后盾不斷地向鄉村社會滲入的同時,代表傳統舊文化的私塾也以其特有的靈活性和鄉土適應性掙扎著生存,并回擊著來自“新學”的“挑戰” ,二者交鋒對壘,形成了別具特色的新舊并存的二元教育模式。

Chapter 3 the agrestic dialect for first to “ authenticity “ theories proceeding solution , combining developments to settle area t farmer of applied that theories proceeding guide , intending using the “ authenticity “ set up to have the changsha ground the area the ownership the to settle the area 第三章首先對“原生態”理念進行解述,并應用該理念對農民安置區的建設進行指導,意圖用“原生態”理念指導有長沙地域歸屬的農民安置區。

The jingsheng agrestic settlement conformation is a properly developed one and has been kept well . it ' s course of development , overall arrangement , configuration conformation and the courtyard space conformation are quite representative in the locality and the circumjacent areas 靜升鄉土聚落形態發育完善,保存狀況良好,其演化歷程、布局與構成形態以及院落空間形態于周邊地域而言均具有相當的代表性。

The study on agrestic architecture is an important constituent part of the study on architectural theory and the study on settlement conformation is the core of the study on agrestic architecture 鄉土建筑研究是建筑理論研究的重要組成部分,聚落形態研究則是鄉土建筑研究的核心所在。

A rich merchant , cheung tin , went to u . s . for his work after his marriage and when he comes back to his home , he met his already grown up , agrestic daughter , cheung ning 富商張天早年赴美發展,回國后認回野蠻土氣女兒張寧。天遂聘請林祖為愛女重新包裝。

A detailed study on that will certainly further our understandings on traditional culture and the historical and present values of the agrestic architecture 對其詳加研究無疑會進一步加深我們對傳統文化及鄉土建筑歷史與現實價值的認識。

A rich merchant , cheung tin , went to u . s . for his work after his marriage and when he comes back to his home , he met his already grown up , agrestic da . . 祖為人愛面子,不介意酬勞低但要銜頭高,初時并不著力為寧包裝,使寧的形象古. .

The cultural connotation of agrestic novels of the western china in the 1990s 20世紀90年代中國西部鄉土小說中的文化內涵

Folk art , an agrestic art , is the mother of all types of art 摘要民間美術是鄉土藝術,是一切美術的母體。