
agreement n.1.一致,同意。2.契約;協約,協定。3.【語法】一...

“the agreement is signed,“ churchill said . “條約已經簽字了。”邱吉爾說。


They agreed not to enter into any agreements aimed at the other . 雙方同意不參加任何旨在反對另一方的協議。

In case there is any divergence of interpretation of this agreement , the text shall prevail . 文本為準。

I have therefore irrevocably decided to proceed to initial the agreement . 因此我義無反顧地決定草簽協定。

The lease will be renewed for the same period of time as the original agreement . 租約將履約按原期更新。

We can only reach agreement if we both put our cards on the table . 我們雙方只有攤開來說才能達成協議。

I am quite in agreement with what you say , mr. li and mr. wang . 李先生和王先生,我很贊同你們的說法。

There was a bank in alaska that had signed the agreements . 有一家在阿拉斯加的銀行在協議書上簽了字。

There is no agreement or convention as to just what it is . 它到底是多大并無統一看法,也無常規可循。

This agreement , if not implemented , is a mere scrap of paper . 這個協定如不執行只不過是一紙空文。

The most striking feature of this graph is the lack of agreement . 本圖象最明顯的特征是缺乏一致性。

Both sides have to act according to the provisions of the agreement . 雙方都應按照協議條款辦事。

Our agreement was a temporary one, superficial and unreal . 我們的一致是暫時的、表面的、虛假的。

The result is in agreement with that discussed in paragraph 72 . 此結果與72段中討論的是一致的。

The negotiators reached a broad agreement on the main issues . 談判者在主要問題上基本達成協議。

He insisted on having the agreement down in black and white . 他堅持要將協議用書面形式寫下來。

The moment they started talking they found themselves in complete agreement . 兩人一說就合轍。

Collusion in judicial proceedings is a secret agreement . 在司法程序中,通謀是指一項秘密協議。

Now , tom , let the steam off and come to an agreement . 好了,湯姆,吐完了怨氣達成協議吧。