
agreeably adv.1.歡然,欣然。2.依照,一致,一樣。短語和例子...

M . de morcerf is sometimes occupied , his business makes him reflective , and he might , without intending it “ - “ nothing could be in better taste than my father s demeanor , madame , “ said albert ; “ nay , more , he seemed greatly flattered at two or three compliments which the count very skilfully and agreeably paid him with as much ease as if he had known him these thirty years 馬爾塞夫先生有的時候心神不定,他總想著他的正事,他或許在無意之中”爸爸的態度再好也沒有的了,媽, ”阿爾貝說道, “而且,還不止呢,他似乎很喜歡伯爵對他說的那幾句恭維話,伯爵的話說得非常巧妙,而態度之安閑,就象是他已經認識他有三十年了似的。

“ the fact is , count , “ answered the mother , agreeably flattered , “ he has great aptitude , and learns all that is set before him “伯爵閣下, ”做母親的很高興受到這樣的恭維,答道, “他的天資的確很高,不管什么東西放到他面前,他一學就會。

“ i expect so , “ said carrie , agreeably “我也這么想, “嘉莉附和著說。


This melancholy neither hindered her from enjoying herself nor hindered young men from spending their time very agreeably in her society . every guest who visited at the house paid his tribute to the melancholy temper of the hostess , and then proceeded to enjoy himself in society gossip , dancing , intellectual games , or 每個經常到他們家里來的客人首先都對女主人的憂郁心情表示敬意,然后才參與文雅的談話,跳舞,智力游戲以及吟打油詩的比賽,這是卡拉金家中風行一時的游戲。

He never felt quite content except when he had , almost unconsciously , lifted several glasses of wine to his big mouth . then he felt agreeably warm all over his body , amiably disposed towards all his fellows , and mentally ready to respond superficially to every idea , without going too deeply into it 只有當他本人都沒有發覺他怎么竟把幾杯酒倒進了他那張大嘴巴之后,他才覺得非常痛快,他才覺得他體內有一種舒適的溫暖,他才溫和地對待所有親近的人,才愿意動動腦筋,對各種思想膚淺地發表意見,但卻未能深入其實質。

M . de morcerf is sometimes occupied , his business makes him reflective , and he might , without intending it “ - “ nothing could be in better taste than my father s demeanor , madame , “ said albert ; “ nay , more , he seemed greatly flattered at two or three compliments which the count very skilfully and agreeably paid him with as much ease as if he had known him these thirty years 馬爾塞夫先生有的時候心神不定,他總想著他的正事,他或許在無意之中”爸爸的態度再好也沒有的了,媽, ”阿爾貝說道, “而且,還不止呢,他似乎很喜歡伯爵對他說的那幾句恭維話,伯爵的話說得非常巧妙,而態度之安閑,就象是他已經認識他有三十年了似的。

All moscow was acquainted with the rostovs ; the old count had plenty of money that year , because all his estates had been mortgaged , and so nikolenka , who kept his own racehorse , and wore the most fashionable riding - breeches of a special cut , unlike any yet seen in moscow , and the most fashionable boots , with extremely pointed toes , and little silver spurs , was able to pass his time very agreeably 莫斯科全市的人都是羅斯托夫之家的熟人,今年老伯爵的進款足夠開銷了,因為他的地產全部重新典當了,所以尼古盧什卡買進了一匹個人享用的走馬一條最時髦的緊腿馬褲,這是一種在莫斯科還沒有人穿過的式樣特殊的馬褲,還添置一雙最時髦的帶有小銀馬刺的尖頭皮靴,他極為愉快地消度時光。

Captain ramballe of the 13th light brigade , decorated for the affair of the 7th september , he introduced himself , an irrepressible smile of complacency lurking under his moustache . will you tell me now to whom i have the honour of speaking so agreeably , instead of remaining in the ambulance with that madmans ball in my body “ capitaine ramballe du 13me lger , decor pour laffaire du sept ”他自我介紹說,臉上堆起的滿意得不得了的笑容,使胡髭下的嘴唇撮成一團。

As a whole , marxism is the only idealistic bridge that connects the modernity with the post modernity , the unsurpassable theory in its significance . therefore , we are in duty bound to associate theoretic with facts to enrich the meaning of marxism , make it vivid and vigorous . hence , people would be glad to return to marxism , that is , accept the back of it agreeably 據此,本文得出結論:馬克思主義哲學是一座從現代走向后現代必經的思想橋梁,是“不可超越的意義視界” ,通過實際行動把馬克思主義與現實相結合產生的新的活生生的馬克思主義,使人們接受馬克思的返回或返回到馬克思,這就是我們哲學工作者義不容辭的責任。

Though no one could understand why he had told it , and why he had insisted on telling it in russian , still anna pavlovna and several other people appreciated the social breeding of prince ippolit in so agreeably putting a close to the disagreeable and illbred outbreak of monsieur pierre 雖然不明了他為何要講這則趣聞,為何非用俄國話講不可,然而,安娜帕夫洛夫娜和其他人都賞識伊波利特公爵在上流社會中待人周到的風格,賞識他這樣高興地結束了皮埃爾先生令人厭惡的失禮的鬧劇。

The introduction was followed up on his side by a happy readiness of conversation - a readiness at the same time perfectly correct and unassuming ; and the whole party were still standing and talking together very agreeably , when the sound of horses drew their notice , and darcy and bingley were seen riding down the street 一經介紹之后,他就高高興興,懇懇切切地談起話來既懇切,又顯得非常正派,而且又有分寸。他們正站在那兒談得很投機的時候,忽然聽到一陣得得的馬蹄聲,只見達西和彬格萊騎著馬從街上過來。

He now seated himself by her , and talked so agreeably of kent and hertfordshire , of travelling and staying at home , of new books and music , that elizabeth had never been half so well entertained in that room before ; and they conversed with so much spirit and flow , as to draw the attention of lady catherine herself as well as of mr . darcy 他就坐到她身邊去,那么有聲有色地談到肯特郡,談到哈福德郡,談到旅行和家居,談到新書和音樂,直談得伊麗莎白感覺到在這個房間里從來沒有受到過這樣的款待他們倆談得那么興致淋漓,連咖苔琳夫人和達西先生也注意起來了。

I , who was not the least put out by the sight of the dressing - room of a kept woman , spent some time agreeably inspecting its contents , neglecting none of them , and i noticed that all these magnificently wrought implements bore different initials and all manner of coronets 我看到了一個妓女的梳妝間倒沒有厭惡的心情,不管是什么東西,我都饒有興趣地細細鑒賞一番。我發現所有這些雕刻精湛的用具上都鐫刻著各種不同的人名首字母和五花八門的紋章標記。

This state of things should have been to me a paradise of peace , accustomed as i was to a life of ceaseless reprimand and thankless fagging ; but , in fact , my racked nerves were now in such a state that no calm could soothe , and no pleasure excite them agreeably 對我來說,過慣了那種成天挨罵辛辛苦苦吃力不討好的日子后,這光景該好比是平靜的樂園。然而,我的神經己被折磨得痛苦不堪,終于連平靜也撫慰不了我,歡樂也難以使我興奮了。

He talked boldly and simply , and natasha was strangely and agreeably impressed by finding nothing so formidable in this man , of whom such stories were told , but , on the contrary , seeing on his face the most innocent , merry , and simple - hearted smile 他說話時大膽而且大方,娜塔莎感到驚奇而又愉快的是,在這個眾人紛紛議論的人身上,不僅沒有任何可怕的地方,相反地,他卻常常流露著最天真的快活的溫和的微笑。

Euan may hate the shallowness of pr ? or he may find it looks agreeably straight compared with politics and is a considerably easier and more pleasant way of earning a crust than being prime minister , say 例如,也許布萊爾兒子尤安最終會痛恨公關業的淺薄,但也有可能他會覺得公關相對于政治而言,更為直接、有趣,他會覺得這種糊口之道要比做首相來得更容易,更快樂。

Although in feminine society anatole habitually took up the attitude of a man weary of the attentions of women , his vanity was agreeably flattered by the spectacle of the effect he produced on these three women 雖然阿納托利在這幫女人中常使他自己處于那樣一種地位,就像某人被女人追逐而覺得厭煩一樣,但是他看見他對這三個女人已產生影響,于是感到虛榮心的滿足。

The honourable gerald ward a . d . c . , agreeably surprised , made haste to reply . at ponsonby s corner a jaded white flagon h . halted and four tallhatted white flagons halted behind him , e . l . y . s . , while outriders pranced past and carriages 在龐森比書店的拐角處,精疲力竭的白色大肚酒瓶h站住了,四個戴高帽子的白色大肚酒瓶e . l . ys 215 ,也在他身后停下腳步。

Ilagin lifted his beaver cap higher than ever to natasha , and , smiling agreeably , said that the countess was indeed a diana both in her passion for the chase and her beauty , of which he had heard so much 在娜塔莎面前,伊拉金把那頂海貍皮便帽舉得更高了,他微微一笑,說伯爵小姐熱衷于獵事而且容貌秀麗,久有所聞,真不愧為狄安娜。