
agree vi.1.同意,贊成,承認,答應。2.意見相合[相投];...

“you probably don't agree with me! “ 你大概不同意我的看法。

“it is a nuisance,“ thomas agreed . “真煩人,”托馬斯同意道。

“somebody's got to die,“ he agreed . “是得有人先死去,”他附和道。


I agree with you , but with some reservations ... 我同意你,不過有幾點要保留。

The two sides have agreed on the itinerary of the visit . 雙方商定了訪問日程。

I felt inclined to agree with him . 我似乎也感到此話不假。

Brothers and sisters should agree . 兄弟姐妹應當和好相處。

I agree with you , but with some reservations ... 我同意你,不過有幾點要除外。

We cannot agree to consign the goods . 我們不同意寄售此貨。

She does n't agree to this arrangement . 她不贊同這個安排。

He agreed we had to make a diplomatic move . 他同意我們必須采取一次外交行動。

She browbeated him into agreeing . 她威逼他同意自己的意見。

She was only too ready to agree . 她這個人太容易與人合拍了。

Broadly speaking , i agree with you . 我大體上同意你的意見。

Since you do n't agree , let 's drop it . 你們不同意就拉倒。

“you probably don't agree with me! “ 你大概不同意我的看法。

They agree to pass their lives in incessant slavery . 他們同意永遠做牛做馬。

He was almost amused at himself for agreeing . 他竟答應了,自己也覺得好笑。

My plan worked , and i got them to agree . 我的想法奏效了,我讓他們同意了。