
agrarian adj.1.土地的,耕地的。2.農民的;農業的。3.生于...

He met the “ left “ that is anti - in the agrarian revolution era , the war of resistance against japan , has a consistent anti - liberation war “ left “ ideology 他遇“左”即反,在土地革命時期、抗日戰爭時期、解放戰爭時期有著一貫的反“左”實踐及思想。


As most of them work in handicraft operates and low technique traditional sections , it is not cut off the in - city farmers with agrarian contact . move but not migrate , so it is not a thorough migration 農民進城就業多集中在以手工操作為主、技術含量較低的傳統部門,處于非正規就業狀態,沒有割斷他們與土地的聯系,移而不遷,因而是不徹底的遷移。

Now , though , it seems our ancient agrarian ancestors may have begun adding these gases to the atmosphere many millennia ago , thereby altering the earth ' s climate long before anyone thought 然而,現在看來,可能從好幾千年前,我們從事農耕的祖先就已開始為地球大氣添加溫室氣體,而人類開始改變地球氣候的時間,也因此可能比任何人想像的要早得多。

It is through meticulous work that we achieved great success in the large - scale movements of banning opium - smoking and the opium trade and of agrarian reform , without publicizing them in the newspapers 我們禁鴉片煙運動,土改運動,那樣大的規模,都不登報,搞得那么細致,搞得那么好,都是在深入細致的工作基礎上搞好的。

Land rearrangement was gotten regard widely by academe and government in our country , which currently mainly focused on land consolidation , especially on agrarian homeostasis , and inadequate to urban land rearrangement 但當前土地整理主要集中在農用地的整理上,側重于耕地的動態平衡,而對城市用地的整理還很不夠。

In this class , we will highlight the history of humanism , but we will also study religious reformations , high politics , the agrarian world , and european conquest and expansion abroad in the period 本課程中,我們著重研究這種人文主義歷史,但還會探討宗教改革,上層政治,農民的世界,以及這一時期歐洲的向外征服和擴張。

This thesis of comrade stalin ' s is perfectly correct and is equally valid for the northern expedition , the war of agrarian revolution , and the present war of resistance against japan 斯大林同志的這一論斷是完全正確的;無論是對于北伐戰爭說來,對于土地革命戰爭說來,對于今天的抗日戰爭說來,都是正確的。

In a village on the outskirts of hantan , there was a tenant named wang chen - teh who was very active in the agrarian movement , and who had a good reputation in the village as a thorough and painstaking worker 在邯鄲郊區的一個村子里,有個名叫王臣德的佃農,向以勤懇忠厚著稱,也是土改運動中的積極分子。

Over time humanity shall move from a technologically based civilization to an agrarian civilization again , where working the land is the foundation of human endeavors , sharing and celebrations 后來,人們將從一個基于技術的文明中再次回歸到耕地文明,在那兒耕作土地是人類勞作、分享和收獲的基石。

Some believe that lemurians were much more like early humans , living in a sort of idyllic paradise , largely agrarian with lush forests and an abundance of flowers and fruit trees 一些就相信利莫里亞更加像早期的人類,生活在一種田園詩般的天堂里,主要地與繁榮的森林,盛開的花朵和結果的樹在一起。

After the western modernization , the main cause why the agrarian politics was replaced by the capital politics was that the capital had more capabilities to carry forward the increment of the social value 摘要近代以降,資本政治取代土地政治的根本原因是資本比土地更有推進社會價值增殖的能力。

Cutting to go up slashly afforestation ; should notice to clear the branch advantageous position that after cutting , leaves and leaf , usable machinery turns over agrarian or incendiary burn to burn 在采伐跡地上造林;要注重清理采伐后留下的枝權和樹葉,可用機械翻耕或放火燎燒。

Beijing in ever - changing china , which in places has rocketed from agrarian poverty to urban modernity in less than a decade , nothing seems impossible these days 北京在瞬息萬變的中國,其中來自農村的貧困地方變成現代城市,在不到十年這些日子似乎沒有不可能

He met the “ left “ that is anti - in the agrarian revolution era , the war of resistance against japan , has a consistent anti - liberation war “ left “ ideology 他遇“左”即反,在土地革命時期、抗日戰爭時期、解放戰爭時期有著一貫的反“左”實踐及思想。

A rich man who built himself two large houses and lived in splendid style , he was deeply moved by the plight of the industrial and agrarian working classes 皮爾很闊綽,為自己建造了兩間富麗堂皇的大宅,但他也十分同情工農階層的困境。

In early agrarian society , when the economy was less prosperous , people habitually mended things when they broke , until they were beyond repair 早期農業社會經濟較困頓,于是大家都會將壞掉的東西能修就修,直至報廢為止。

Boserup , ester 1965 . the conditions of agricultural growth : the economics of agrarian change under population pressure . chicago : aldine (埃斯特? )博塞拉普( 1965 ) : 《農業增長條件:人口壓力下農村變化的經濟學》 。

Particularly in countries with long agrarian traditions - - and vocal green lobbies - - the idea seems against nature 特別是在有悠久的農業生產傳統和主張環保的游說集團的國家里,轉基因食品的主意似乎有悖自然。

Land concentration thus meant corpses to fertilize the earth , but it also meant thousands of souls for agrarian revolution 土地集中的結果造成許多肥田的尸骨,但也造成千千萬萬要求土地革命的人們。