
agoraphobia n.【醫學】廣場恐怖;曠野恐怖。

Kitagawa , however , suffers from regular panic attacks and agoraphobia . he spends most of his time holed up inside , except for certain “ guests “ 志津正為找工作奔波,北川卻因遇襲患上心理病,新興的什么教派乘虛而入,把兩口子積蓄自動過賬。

I don ' t like being outdoors , which i know is called “ agoraphobia . “ right 我不喜歡在戶外活動,我知道這叫作“戶外恐懼癥” ,是嗎?


Friendship with the son and daughter - in - law of an imprisoned supreme court justice afforded me a special pipeline into high - level ghanaian gossip about the alarming psychological condition of the head of state , said alternately to be suffering from delusions of grandeur fed by sycophants or to be reduced to quivering agoraphobia after the attempts on his life 因與一在獄的最高法院法官的兒子兩夫婦有些交情,從而得知加納高層傳出的一些小道消息,說是國家元首的心理狀況令人擔憂,有人說他現在總是把那些奉承他的人當成聯邦人員,也有人說他在遭人企圖謀殺之后就得了陌生環境恐怖癥,身子虛到發抖。

Kitagawa , however , suffers from regular panic attacks and agoraphobia . he spends most of his time holed up inside , except for certain “ guests “ 志津正為找工作奔波,北川卻因遇襲患上心理病,新興的什么教派乘虛而入,把兩口子積蓄自動過賬。

I don ' t like being outdoors , which i know is called “ agoraphobia . “ right 我不喜歡在戶外活動,我知道這叫作“戶外恐懼癥” ,是嗎?

Cyber psychological psychotherapy on panic disorder with agoraphobia 伴有廣場恐怖癥的驚恐障礙的網絡心理學治療新技術