
agora n.(pl. -rae , agoras ) 古希臘的大...


According backdrop is reform property right system of forestry in this paper , so we discuss the drive settle new circs , furthermore inaugurate design some reform measurements for establishing commercial forestry agora about property right system , base of economy , base casing of commercial forestry agora and so on 摘要以集體林權制度改革所引發的經濟基礎的變革為背景,以商品林市場化的基本構思來推動解決林業產權改革中所出現的新情況,對商品林市場化的經濟基礎、基本框架等進行思考和創新性設計。

Now its main farm products for demand korea agorae are vacuum - packed vegetable , totally more than 50 varieties , included chilli , thomson kudzu , chinese chive flower , peas , arrowhead , fresh mushroom , fresh lily , pomelo , orange , and so on 目前,公司主要針對韓國農產品市場的需求、開展了辣椒,粉葛、韭菜花、鮮菇、鮮百合、沙田柚、柑桔、慈菇、荷蘭豆等50多種。

The ieee , 2005 , 93 : pp . 669 - 681 . 15 foster i . globus toolkit version 4 : software for service - oriented systems . journal of computer science and technology , july 2006 , 21 : 513 - 520 其要點是一種松耦合的軟件套件體系結構,以及虛擬化資源空間網程grip社區agora協程funnel四種系統抽象。

Three years after the death of kalos , musides despatched a messenger to the tyrant , and it was whispered in the agora at tegea that the mighty statue was finished 喀洛斯死后三年過去了,穆賽德斯向國王派遣了使者,而忒格亞集市上則有傳言說那座偉大的雕像已經完成了。

Web - site of the american school of classical studies in athens , who have been responsible for excavating the agora for many decades now 美國雅典古典學研究學院的網站,學院負責發掘集市迄今已經幾十年。