
agony n.1.苦惱,煩悶。2.死的痛苦。3.(感情的)迸發。4...

“was that eddie?“ asked bertha, her voice trembling with recent agony . “是埃迪嗎?”伯莎問道,她的聲音由于剛才的極度痛苦而發抖。

agony column

Julia was bending over a desk, her tongue protruding slightly, absorbed in the agonies of composition . 朱麗婭埋頭在課桌上,舌頭微微伸出,正在搜索枯腸做作文。

After the ups and downs, the tensions and agonies of the recent past, i felt cheerful that evening . 經過最近的這一番波折,緊張和痛苦,這天晚上我感到安慰。

My agony was imputed partly to the heat of the place, and partly to my extreme sensibility . 人們把我的痛苦半歸于戲院里太悶熱,半歸于我的感情太脆弱。

He had known only the surface of death, now he was tasting its last, slow agonies . 他以前只知道死亡的皮相;現在他嘗到了它的最后的、緩慢的痛苦。

In his then state of ecstatic agony such a conquest would have cost him little . 在他當時痛苦恍惚的狀態里,這樣一次勝利不會要他付出多大代價。

She suffered agonies of guilt for neglecting and despising her father . 她因為過去忽視和看不起父親而受到良心責備,現在為此感到極大痛苦。

The situation is frightful , but it is just piling on the agony to keep discussing it . 情況很可怕,可是還一個勁兒地議論讓人覺得更可怕。

Though her words were controlled, the agony of years still seethed beneath them . 雖然她的話是有節制的,多年的痛苦仍在話里流露了出來。

“was that eddie?“ asked bertha, her voice trembling with recent agony . “是埃迪嗎?”伯莎問道,她的聲音由于剛才的極度痛苦而發抖。

You can catch the agony in the queen's face through the curling smoke . 隔著那裊裊而起的濃煙,你都瞧得出王后臉上那種受罪的神氣。

I tell you the russians have pounced on poland from the rear in her agony . 我告訴你,俄國人趁波蘭在受難的時候從背后撲上來。

And, dying, it rises above its own agony to outcarol the lark and the nightingale . 它超脫了垂死的劇痛,歌聲勝過百靈和夜鶯。

North vietnamese stonewalling doomed cambodia, however, to prolonged agony . 然而北越人的拖延戰術卻使柬埔寨慘遭長期的磨難。

She sat in an agony of impatience which affected every feature . 她坐在那兒,不耐煩到了極點,這在她的所有表情中流露出來了。

She noticed with agony that miss glover had gone to bertha . 她注意到格洛弗小姐往伯莎那里去了,這不禁使她思想上為之一震。

He's in an agony of worry over the baby, and he feels she let him down . 他為了孩子而憂心如焚,而且他認為她誤了他的大事。

The agony of doubt was over; the issue now was to fully join the battle . 疑慮之苦過去了;現在的問題是全心全意參加戰斗

The jury-room itself may and frequently does become a dull agony . 陪審團室本身就可能是,而且往往會變成一種惱人的苦痛。