
agonizing adj.使人苦惱的。 an agonizing pain...

“ he ' s done this before , “ torre said . “ that ' s where the experience helps . you agonize over it and then you dismiss it . 他早嘗過這滋味了。托瑞表示:這種時候經驗就很有幫助,你會煩惱一陣子然后把它拋諸腦后。

“ it ' s something we ' ve been struggling with , debating , agonizing over for months 這幾個月來,我們一直在為這個問題努力爭論掙扎。


“ he ' s done this before , “ torre said . “ that ' s where the experience helps . you agonize over it and then you dismiss it . 他早嘗過這滋味了。托瑞表示:這種時候經驗就很有幫助,你會煩惱一陣子然后把它拋諸腦后。

“ it ' s something we ' ve been struggling with , debating , agonizing over for months 這幾個月來,我們一直在為這個問題努力爭論掙扎。