
agonize vi.苦悶;掙扎。vt.使煩惱,使苦惱。 an agon...

“ he ' s done this before , “ torre said . “ that ' s where the experience helps . you agonize over it and then you dismiss it . 他早嘗過這滋味了。托瑞表示:這種時候經驗就很有幫助,你會煩惱一陣子然后把它拋諸腦后。

“ it ' s something we ' ve been struggling with , debating , agonizing over for months 這幾個月來,我們一直在為這個問題努力爭論掙扎。


I don ' t know why i slept so well after agonizing all weekend over the question of home , if i had one anymore , where it was 可是不知道為什么這次我卻睡得很好,盡管我整個周末都在苦苦思考一個問題? ?如果我有家的話,那么我的家到底在哪里?

For one agonizing moment , the dish was perched precariously on the bank of the canal , but it suddenly overbalanced and slid back into the water 在令人忐忑不安的瞬間,盤子晃晃悠悠地上了岸,但它突然失去了平衡,又跌回水中。

“ he ' s done this before , “ torre said . “ that ' s where the experience helps . you agonize over it and then you dismiss it . 他早嘗過這滋味了。托瑞表示:這種時候經驗就很有幫助,你會煩惱一陣子然后把它拋諸腦后。

The controversy leaves parents in a terrible bind . desperate to help , many agonize over whether to medicate their children 這場爭論把父母置于了可怕的盲區,許多父母在無助的情況下,很苦惱是否要去治療他們的孩子。

I tried to hide myself whenever i saw the parents of my schoolmates coming . did you know how agonizing i was at those times 我從畢業后就沒有這么清閑過,我一直在忙碌著,一直在盲人調琴這條路上尋尋覓覓。

In contrast , the pessimistic , who weakly wallow in their problems , unable to move on , tend to agonize and suffer over the smallest things 懦弱、悲觀的人,即使?到芝麻小事,也會為之苦惱,無法前進。

Finally , after much meditation , and agonizing over my lack of resolve and faith , i decided to go see master 打坐許久后,仍找不到答案也仍缺乏信心,我覺得很困擾,所以我決定去見師父。

The moment we are drawn back , we feel extremely frustrated and agonized ; the feeling is so bad that we may cry 被吸回來的那個剎那,我們覺得好委曲好痛苦,有時候很難過到會掉眼淚。

It was feared that this agonizing energy of a suffering mass would cause havoc if god did not bless the world with peace 恐怕如果上帝不給世界和平,苦難大眾的憤怒力量會引起巨變。

Nothing is really good , and nothing is really agonizing . we are only bound by our habits . ( originally in chinese ) 沒有什么是真的好,沒有什么是真的苦,都是被習慣綁住而已。

Nothing is really good , and nothing is really agonizing . we are only bound by our habits . originally in chinese 沒有什么是真的好,沒有什么是真的苦,都是被習慣綁住而已。

Thus the problem of conduct is always a matter for delicate , and sometimes agonizing , reflection 這么說,行為的問題永遠是一種需要細加考慮、而且有時會令人苦惱的事。

Cried the agonized girl , turning passionately upon her parent as if her poor heart would break 痛苦的姑娘哭了起來,滿懷感情地轉身朝向母親,好像她可憐的心已經碎了。

The huge choice of colors and painted effects may leave you agonizing over the simplest decisions 大量可選擇的色彩油漆方案可能會使你難以作出最簡單的判斷。

It will be more agonizing than observing the precepts and giving up meat and fish now 比現在持一點點戒,還要多痛苦比現在放下這個肉魚,還要多痛苦。

Nothing is really good , and nothing is really agonizing . we are only bound by our habits 沒有什么是真的好,沒有什么是真的苦,都是被習慣綁住而已。

Some of these deaths have been violent , before my eyes , or slow and agonizing 當中一些變故突如其來,直擊眼前;有些卻長期折磨,痛苦不堪。