
agley adv.〔蘇格蘭語〕斜,歪。


A full backpack was not enough , i needed to hung a tent , a dampproof mat , a matting outside my backpack , and a most professional alpenstock and a spider inserted outside my backpack agley , and hung a aluminium water bottle made in spain at backpack belt at my front chest 背包塞滿了是遠遠不夠的,我仍需須要外掛上帳篷防潮墊地席涼鞋和快掛數個,當然最顯專業風范的行走杖和三腳架也得斜斜的插在背包外面,再在前胸的背包帶上掛上個西班牙產鋁制水壺。

As many things gang agley with us in our plans and desires while alive , it is not surprising that matters turn out contrary to our expectations after death 我們生時許多計劃和愿望都有所偏差,死后一切不能如愿更是可想而知。