
age n.1.年齡。2.成年〔滿廿一歲〕。3.老年,晚年。4....


The war orphaned him at an early age . 戰爭使他早年成為孤兒。

Bardo had stretched out his aged white hand . 巴爾多伸出了他那衰老的白手。

Scala found the age distasteful . 斯卡拉覺得這個時代索然無味。

The disparity of age made it even grotesque . 年齡的懸殊甚至使它顯得可笑。

She lived pleasantly to the age of ninety-two .. 她愉快地活到九十二歲。

We are living in an age of anxiety . 我們生活在一個憂患的時代。

Reduce the retirement age for teachers to 55 . 把教師的退休年齡降低到55。

At what age should women have a vote ? 婦女要到幾歲才有選舉權?

Despite her age she still looked quite young . 別看她歲數大,可長得少相。

One would guess him to be seventy years of age . 人們會以為他有七十歲了。

The war orphaned him at an early age . 戰爭使他從小就成了孤兒。

He lied about his age to join the army . 他為了參軍謊報了年齡。

He ran away from home at the age of thirteen . 他十三歲那年就離家出走了。

He is forty years of age and still unmarried . 他已經四十歲,還沒有結婚。

The custom remained the same down the ages . 這個風俗自古以來一直沒有變。

She has wanted to go on the stage from an early age . 她從小就想當演員。

We are equally honest with aged and child customers . 童叟無欺。

A lazy youth, lousy age . 一個懶惰的少年將來就是一個襤褸的老年。

Bloggs knew that he was lying about his age . 布洛格斯知道他隱瞞了年齡。