
agamemnon n.【希臘神話】阿加邁農〔圍攻 Troy 城的聯軍統帥〕...

I ' ll carve “ agamemnon “ in the stone 我要把阿伽門農刻在石頭上


Aeschylus wrote such plays as [ b ] [ color = # 990000 ] prometheus bound , persians [ / color ] [ / b ] and [ b ] [ color = # 990000 ] agamemnon [ / color ] [ / b ] . aeschylus is noted for his vivid character portrayal and majestic poetry 埃斯庫羅斯因其鮮貨的人物描寫和大氣磅礴的戲劇詩而聞名遐邇,他的代表作品有《被縛的普羅米修斯》 、 《波斯人》和《阿迦門儂》 。

The wife of agamemnon who , with the assistance of her lover aegisthus , murdered him on his return from the trojan war and was later murdered by her son orestes 克呂泰涅斯特拉:阿伽門農的妻子,在情人埃癸斯托斯的幫助下謀殺了從特洛伊戰爭中返回的阿伽門農,后被自己的兒子俄瑞斯忒斯殺死。

Achilles , considered the greatest warrior ever born , fights for the greek army . but his disdain for agamemnon ' s rule threatens to break the fragile alliance apart 阿基里斯,這個被認為是自古以來最偉大的戰士,為希臘軍隊作戰但是他對阿伽門農統帥的藐視是脆弱的聯盟解體的最大威脅

Afterward drive to mycenae where you can stand before the lion gate - europe oldest known monument , remains of agamemnon royal palace , and the impressive fortifications of the citadel 邁錫尼以擁有獨特的文化,與特洛伊是荷馬史詩的印證。遺跡中蜂巢式墓穴保存得相當完整。

3200 years ago after decades of warfare , agamemnon , king of mycenae , has forced the kingdoms of greece into a loose alliance . only thessaly remains unconquered 3200年前經過幾十年戰亂,邁錫尼王阿伽門農迫使希臘的王國結成一個松散的聯盟只有塞薩利還未被征服

Agamemnon ' s brother menelaus , king of sparta , is weary of battle . he seeks to make peace with troy , the most powerful rival to the emerging greek nation 阿伽門農的兄弟,斯巴達王梅內利奧斯厭倦了戰爭,他尋求與希臘聯盟最強大的對手特洛伊講和

The king of sparta at the time of the trojan war and the husband of helen and brothter of agamemnon 墨涅拉俄斯:特洛伊戰爭期間的斯巴達王,美女海倫之夫,阿伽門農之弟。

The trojan beach belong to priam in the morning . it belongs to agamemnon in the afternoon 這特洛伊海灘早上還是普里阿摩斯的,下午就屬于阿伽門農了。

And this is not just the spartans come after her . by now , menelaus ' s gone to agamemnon 這次來的可不僅僅是斯巴達人梅內利奧斯已經向阿伽門農求援

These are our countrymen . you betray all of greece just to see agamemnon fall 他們都是我的同胞。你背叛了希臘的一切只為了看到阿伽門農死。

Ithaca can not afford an enemy like agamemnon . - are we supposed to fear him -伊薩卡不能承受有阿伽門農那樣一個敵人。 -我們應該害怕他么?

Agamemnon is a proud man . but he knows when he ' s made a mistake 阿伽門農是個很愛面子的人。但他知道他犯了個錯誤。

Agamemnon is a proud man 阿伽門農是個高傲的人

They brought us here for war . - yes , but agamemnon ' s orders - -他們帶我們來是為了戰爭-是的,但是阿伽門農的命令

Apollo watches over us . even agamemnon is no match for the gods 阿波羅在庇護著我們而阿伽門農也無法與諸神對抗

- they brought us here for war . - yes , but agamemnon ' s orders - -他們帶我們來是為了戰爭-是的,但是阿伽門農的命令

They brought us here for war . - yes , but agamemnon ' s orders - - 他們帶我們來是為了戰爭-是的,但是阿伽門農的命令

Then fight for me . and let the servants of agamemnon fight for him 那就聽我的讓阿伽門農的仆人聽他的