
afteryears n.事后的歲月。

Afteryears in self help groups my fluency improved a lot ( at least ingerman ) , so that some friends there asked me “ why do you still come “ 在口吃者的自助組織中奮斗多年后,我的語言流暢增進了很多(至少在德語上是這樣的) ,因此,那里就有些朋友問我: “你還來這里干什么? ”


Be consistent in grammar and punctuation . the rules ofgrammarand punctuation you learned may differ from others , but youhadbetter be consistent in your use of them . be aware of suchthings aswhere you put ending quote marks , whether you placecommas afteryears and states , and similar variationsinstyle 在文法和標點符號上保持一致。你所學的文法和標點用法可能和別人學的不一樣,但你最好在使用上保持一致。要特別注意句末的引號、時間和地點之后的逗號以及文風的相似性。

Afteryears in self help groups my fluency improved a lot ( at least ingerman ) , so that some friends there asked me “ why do you still come “ 在口吃者的自助組織中奮斗多年后,我的語言流暢增進了很多(至少在德語上是這樣的) ,因此,那里就有些朋友問我: “你還來這里干什么? ”