
afire adj.〔多作表語〕,adv.1.燃著,燃燒。2.大為激...

All great leaders must develop this kind of safety and intimacy with god . “ so , i ask you to pray for me that my relationship with god will continue to grow closer and the intimacy that i have with him will remain afire and alive 所有偉大領袖都必須在神里面建立這種安全感和密關系因此我請求大家為我禱告,使我跟神的關系越來越親密,使我跟?的親密能保持火熱和活潑

“ the hearts of the flames have been set afire “我心中的熊熊愛火已經被你點燃


It jolted her up like everything , of course ; but i was over the shoal water now , so i went right along , her eyes a - blazing higher and higher all the time , and told her every blame thing , from where we first struck that young fool going up to the steamboat , clear through to where she flung herself on to the king s breast at the front door and he kissed her sixteen or seventeen times - and then up she jumps , with her face afire like sunset , and says 不過我呢,仿佛魚游過了淺灘,我便繼續說下去。我一邊說,她眼睛里發出的光越來越亮。我繼續把這些為非作歹的事,一五一十告訴了她,從我們第一次遇到那個搭輪的年輕傻瓜講起,一直講到她怎樣在大門口投進國王的懷抱,他吻了她不下十六七回這時她跳將起來,滿臉通紅,仿佛燒得象落山的太陽。

She stooped down quick at the foot of the bed and give me a pull , and out i come ; and when he turned back from the window there she stood , a - beaming and a - smiling like a house afire , and i standing pretty meek and sweaty alongside 她趕緊彎下身子,一把拉住了我,我就出來了。當他從窗口轉過身來,她就站在那里,紅光滿面,滿臉笑容,仿佛房子著了火似的。而我呢,溫溫順順的,急汗直冒,站在她的身旁。

All great leaders must develop this kind of safety and intimacy with god . “ so , i ask you to pray for me that my relationship with god will continue to grow closer and the intimacy that i have with him will remain afire and alive 所有偉大領袖都必須在神里面建立這種安全感和密關系因此我請求大家為我禱告,使我跟神的關系越來越親密,使我跟?的親密能保持火熱和活潑

While aflame , the character ' s charisma modifier ( not score ) increases by + 2 , she can make melee touch attacks as with the hand afire ability , and she gains damage reduction 10 / + 1 燃燒時人物的魅力調整值(不是屬性值)會+ 2 ,他可以如使用“火焰之手”能力般進行近戰接觸攻擊,并且獲得傷害減免10 / + 1 。

And if she turned over and found one in bed she would scramble out and lift a howl that you would think the house was afire 要是她睡時一翻身,看見了床上盤著一條蛇,那她就馬上滾下床來,拼命嚎叫,仿佛房子著了火。

After vows , the bride ' s floral wreath , which symbolizes her maidenhood , is removed and set afire by the mistress of ceremonies 婚禮宣誓后,象征著新娘少女身份的花環要由婚禮的女主持人取下燒掉。

A character can use the weapon afire ability at will as long as her power point reserve is 9 or more 靈能點馀量不少于9的操焰者可以隨意使用“火焰武器”能力。

Smoke rises from a burning indonesian forest set afire for land - clearing , 2005 2005年,為了清理場地,印度尼西亞一片燃燒著的森林冒出來的煙一直燃燒。

His voice sounded louder and higher , as if he were afire with eagerness and rage 他的聲音聽起來更大更響了,好像他被欲望和狂怒燒著了一樣。

I am afire with what i have to say in verse , and fiction , and essay 我想要用詩歌小說。散文的形式表現的東西燃燒著我。

The house afire was a kitchen 著火的房子是廚房。

When the heart is afire , some sparks will fly out at the mouth 諺語心里有甚么,嘴上藏不住,心直口快。

For that he s all afire wi love for her any eye can see 因為任何人都看得出來,他已經深深地愛上苔絲啦。 ”

And the horse a - going like a house afire too 再歇了一會兒,他又一躍而起,撒開了韁繩,站立在馬背上啦!

When the heart is afire , some sparks will fly out at the mouth 心中發火,口吐妄言。

Egyptian ferry company ' s offices besieged , set afire 埃及沉船公司辦公樓被圍遭火燒

“ the hearts of the flames have been set afire “我心中的熊熊愛火已經被你點燃