
afflict vt.使苦惱,折磨。 be afflicted with...


Although i have afflicted you , o judah , i will afflict you no more 猶大阿,我雖然使你受苦,卻不再使你受苦。

I ' m not afflicted with false modesty , when i say i play poorly 我不是虛假的表達我的謙虛當我說我差的時候

As in so many areas , the legacy of the past afflicts the present 過往的余毒仍在許多領域讓今人頭痛不已。

Violent crime is only one of the maladies afflicting modern society 暴力犯罪僅僅是危害社會的弊病之一。

High mortality rates still afflict children of the third world 高死亡率仍然給第三世界的孩子?帶來苦難。

And though i have afflicted you , i will afflict you no more 猶大阿,我雖然使你受苦,卻不再使你受苦。

Violent crime is only one of the malady afflict modern society 暴力犯罪僅是為害現代社會的弊病之一。

But jehovah was pleased to crush him , to afflict him with grief 10耶和華卻喜悅將?壓傷,使?受痛苦。

Though i have afflicted thee , i will afflict thee no more 猶大阿,我雖然使你受苦,卻不再使你受苦。

And she began to afflict him , and his strength left him 于是大利拉起首克制他,他的力氣離開了他。

Then she began to afflict him , and his strength left him 于是大利拉克制他、他的力氣就離開他了。

He was afflicted with anxiety on the subject of seeking employment 他因找職業這件事而感到苦惱。

Consolation of the afflicted . - pray for him 痛之安慰為他祈禱

Aid from all over the world will be sent to the afflicted areas 全世界即將向受災地區提供援助。

The phenomenon of spam afflicts more than just e - mail 垃圾郵件現象的危害,不僅限于電子郵件。

I wish you wouldn ' t afflict me with your constant complains 我希望你不要總是抱怨而使我苦惱。

Patients so afflicted are said to have anterograde amnesia 這就是所謂的順行性失憶癥。

More chaos afflicted brazil ' s airports 巴西的機場出現了更大的混亂。

Famine and war still afflict mankind 饑荒與戰爭依舊給人類帶來苦難。