
aeroboat n.水上飛機。


Many merchants show their eager desire as soon as they saw it , domianting the advertising circle , motorala , nokia , goodyear , rich , kodar , adidus , cacokola have ever used it to make advertisement without any exception , revealing it s position of great use . large scale aeroboat dominates the out door advertising because it s following advantages that other media don t have 這一新穎獨特的巨型戶外廣告載體一經出現,立即得到了眾多商家的一致看好,成為了戶外廣告的巨無霸,摩托羅拉諾基亞固特異富士柯達阿迪達斯可口可樂等國外知名品牌都無一例外的在飛艇上做過廣告,足見廣告飛艇在戶外廣告媒體界的霸主地位。

The reason of stopping flying of large scale aeroboat in china may due to the complex application of the permission , flying line approval , expensive cost and professional maintenance in addition to the technical problems , the cost of 12 thousand us dollars roughly equal to rmb 100 thousand and the flying time of at least 15 days is not easily acceptable by any normal enterprises 大型商業載人廣告飛艇在國內停飛除技術原因外,飛行手序的申報,航線申報等一系列繁瑣的程序,昂貴的飛行費用,專業的飛艇維護,眾多的場地租賃都限制了它的大眾化。每飛行日1 . 2萬美元合10萬元人民幣,最少飛行15日,非一般企業所能接受。

Large scale out - door advertise : remote control aeroboat , combining technology and modern element . in early 1990 s some men of insight began to gether the files in connection with aeroboat and created some models , though the technology is not mature it is nevertheless our own productions , after continously innovation and development , the technology had been gradually grasped before it came into commercial operation in 1993 , very good ad 早在九十年代初,國內的一些有識之士,就已經開始收集國外資料,探索著開發了早期的遙控飛艇,技術雖不是很成熟但終究是我們自己的產品,經過不斷的改進和創新,逐漸的掌握了這門技術并于1993年正式進入商業廣告飛行,取得了非常好的廣告效果。

An american made aeroboat was introduced to make advertisement for nokia in 1995 , having visited big cities like beijing , tianjin , shanghai , guangzhou and participated the ceremony of regress of hongkong , tianjin international pingpang ball game , beijing international women fair , kunming international trade fair , it stopped flying due to damage and closed it s life that is magnificent but short 我國在1995年曾經引進過一條美國產的載人飛艇并為諾基亞進行過商業廣告飛行,并到過北京天津上海廣州等大城市飛行,參加過香港回歸天津世乒賽北京世婦會昆明世博會等重要活動,至1998年因損壞而停飛,從而結束了它輝煌卻短暫的使命。

Although the large scale aeroboat stopped flying , it is replaced and developed by another new ones with advantages taken and shortages avoided , it fit more the domestic demands , reducing the flying cost , simplify the maintenance programm , minimizing the taking off field , using the modenized the remote control technology , the most newest advertising media created , it is 它取載人飛艇之長,避載人艇之短,就國情的現狀和國內廣告業的行情,量體裁衣,降低飛行費用,簡化維護工序,縮小飛行場地,運用現代化的遙控技術,制造出了最新穎的廣告載體,它就是高科技與現代廣告的完美結合大型戶外廣告遙控飛艇。

There are qualified and skilled technicians in our company devoted in research and development of aeroboat , motivated umbrella , tri - angle wings and so like flying models , integrating every advantages to serve our customers , meeting the increasing demands of the market 公司具有作風優良技術精湛的研發人才專業從事飛艇動力傘,三角翼,等相關現代航空飛行器的技術開發。公司集自身開發制作發布為一體的優勢為客戶提供全方位的優質服務,以滿足不斷增長的市場需求。

Because the introduced aeroboat is only one , maintenance become very difficult in case of the lack of spare part , to the worst result in stopping flying , bring the money lose of customers , furthermore , the taking off or landing of such driver carring aeroboat needs the airport and the number of the small type airport in our country is not more and it is very difficult to hire the 因飛艇是進口的且只有一條,如有損壞或配件不全,決非像修汽車那么簡單,搞不好就要停飛,使客戶蒙受不必要的損失。而且載人飛艇的起飛降落存放都離不開機場,國內小型機場并不多,而租用大型的民用機場又非易事,綜合以上原因不難看出,目前我國的國情還不太適合大型載人廣告飛艇的市場發展。

No . 3 good mobility , advertising aeroboat can fly on compeition field , plaza or the sky on a car race , or fly according to the customer s requirement in the sky above the seashore , village , road or city , the advantages can not be all presented by any other media 三:移動性能好,廣告飛艇既能在賽場,廣場,賽車場上空定點飛行,也可根據客戶要求在海濱,鄉村,公路及城市上空移動飛行,這些優勢是其他戶外媒體所不能同時具備的。

About many decades ago , a special outdoor advertising media was brought to people , huge body , beatiful shape , delicate flying gesture impressed people deeply , it is super huge outdoor advertising media - aeroboat 早在幾十年前,國外就把一種獨特的戶外廣告媒體展示在人們眼前,那巨大的體形,優美的線條,優雅的飛行姿態,頃刻間已深深印入人們的腦海,它就是超大型戶外廣告媒體飛艇。

No . 1 large scale advertising area , more than 200 square meters on each side of each aeroboat 一:廣告面積大,每個飛艇兩側都有著兩百多平米的廣告面積。

The history of aeroboat 飛艇的歷史

History and actuality of domestic aeroboat 國內飛艇的歷史和現狀

Xingda aeroboat model tech . co . , ltd . , 信達航模科技發展有限公司。

Large scale out - door advertise : remote control aeroboat 大型戶外廣告搖控飛艇