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aerial navigation 航空術。

Based on the frequent occurrence of international aerial crimes , the rampancy and cruelty of criminals and the reality of brutal consequence , the essay analyses the features of the crime of aircraft hijacking , the crime of imperiling international civil aerial security and the crime of obstructing international aerial navigation with the component terms from three important international conventions on punishing aerial crimes in order to help people to appreciate the appearance and the essence of typical international aerial crimes deeply , to regard the motion of the crimes and to overwhelm the offence forcefully . based on the core of the legislative status of international civil aerial security , the jurisdiction of the aerial crimes , one emphasis of the article is to clarify concrete clauses on jurisdiction in the three conventions and analyses the important principle of “ aut reddere , aut punire “ . based on the problems on the jurisdiction of crimes in international society , it quests the implementation of t he principles of jurisdiction , pleading and extradition in the three conventions deeply 基于目前國際社會航空犯罪時有發生,犯罪分子猖獗狠毒,危害后果十分殘重的現實,本文從國際社會關于懲治航空犯罪的三個重要國際公約(東京、海牙、蒙特利爾公約)中規定的各種航空犯罪的定義入手,深入展開了對劫持航空器罪、危害航空器飛行安全罪、危害國際民用航空機場安全罪的犯罪特征及其構成條件的分析,以期幫助人們更深刻認識這些典型的國際航空犯罪的表現及其實質,嚴密注視這些犯罪的動向,對其進行及時有力的打擊;鑒于國際民用航空安全法律地位問題的核心是解決航空犯罪的管轄權問題,本文重點闡釋了三個公約關于管轄的具體規定,并側重分析了“或引渡或起訴”的重要原則;鑒于目前國際社會打擊國際航空犯罪管轄方面存在諸多實際問題,本文對公約規定的管轄、起訴、引渡原則的實現方式作了深入探討;鑒于各國在國內立法上對于空中犯罪的懲治、對違約國的制裁、對這類犯罪的預防措施等方面存在一些漏洞,本文根據目前掌握的一些資料,在獨立思考的基礎上,提出了一些不成熟的看法及建議,以期對國際社會懲治航空犯罪貢獻自己微薄之力。

aerial navigator

Based on the frequent occurrence of international aerial crimes , the rampancy and cruelty of criminals and the reality of brutal consequence , the essay analyses the features of the crime of aircraft hijacking , the crime of imperiling international civil aerial security and the crime of obstructing international aerial navigation with the component terms from three important international conventions on punishing aerial crimes in order to help people to appreciate the appearance and the essence of typical international aerial crimes deeply , to regard the motion of the crimes and to overwhelm the offence forcefully . based on the core of the legislative status of international civil aerial security , the jurisdiction of the aerial crimes , one emphasis of the article is to clarify concrete clauses on jurisdiction in the three conventions and analyses the important principle of “ aut reddere , aut punire “ . based on the problems on the jurisdiction of crimes in international society , it quests the implementation of t he principles of jurisdiction , pleading and extradition in the three conventions deeply 基于目前國際社會航空犯罪時有發生,犯罪分子猖獗狠毒,危害后果十分殘重的現實,本文從國際社會關于懲治航空犯罪的三個重要國際公約(東京、海牙、蒙特利爾公約)中規定的各種航空犯罪的定義入手,深入展開了對劫持航空器罪、危害航空器飛行安全罪、危害國際民用航空機場安全罪的犯罪特征及其構成條件的分析,以期幫助人們更深刻認識這些典型的國際航空犯罪的表現及其實質,嚴密注視這些犯罪的動向,對其進行及時有力的打擊;鑒于國際民用航空安全法律地位問題的核心是解決航空犯罪的管轄權問題,本文重點闡釋了三個公約關于管轄的具體規定,并側重分析了“或引渡或起訴”的重要原則;鑒于目前國際社會打擊國際航空犯罪管轄方面存在諸多實際問題,本文對公約規定的管轄、起訴、引渡原則的實現方式作了深入探討;鑒于各國在國內立法上對于空中犯罪的懲治、對違約國的制裁、對這類犯罪的預防措施等方面存在一些漏洞,本文根據目前掌握的一些資料,在獨立思考的基礎上,提出了一些不成熟的看法及建議,以期對國際社會懲治航空犯罪貢獻自己微薄之力。

Aerial navigation by visual identification of landmarks 地標領航用可視地標來進行飛機航行