
advertise vt.1.為…做廣告。2.通告,通知 (of)。3.宣揚...

The “savings“ that mass advertising delivers to consumers are similarly dubious . 大宗廣告給消費者帶來的所謂“節省”同樣令人懷疑。

Many of the agencies advertise in the “help wanted“ sections of the daily papers . 很多介紹所都在日報的招聘欄里刊登廣告。


When it comes to the public's perception of quality, advertising can't do the job for you . 說到公眾對(產品)質量的印象,廣告宣傳并不管用。

He shuffled the advertising proofs together and returned them to the folder they had arrived in . 他把那幾則廣告樣張疊好,塞回到文件袋里。

Such is the ability of modern advertising experts to make capital out of a dangerous situation . 這便是當代廣告專家們化腐朽為神奇的本領。

Businesses have considerable freedom to advertise and recommend pesticides to the farmer . 工商家有很大的自由向農民宣傳并推薦殺蟲劑。

The men on horseback advertised the route, but could provide no protection at all . 騎馬的衛兵是在指示路線,卻不能提供任何保衛措施。

It was like the head office of a company, with a display advertising their products . 這里象總部辦公室,布置著宣揚他們的成績的展覽。

The government systematically withdrew official and institutional advertising . 政府又有計劃地取消報刊上登載的官方和公關機構的廣告。

Below-the-line advertising has the advantages of being cheap and very easy to produce . 低層次廣告宣傳品有成本低廉,編寫容易的優點。

The advertising policies of the various banks have evolved through three main stages . 許多銀行的廣告政策都經歷了三個主要發展階段。

Mass advertising steadily destroyed competitive dailies; monopoly became the norm . 大宗廣告不斷地摧毀競爭日報;壟斷成為普遍現象。

The “savings“ that mass advertising delivers to consumers are similarly dubious . 大宗廣告給消費者帶來的所謂“節省”同樣令人懷疑。

Jews in the midwest were probably not keen about advertising their affiliation . 在中西部的猶太人大概并不熱心于宣傳他們的身份。

Its sales organization is supported with an advertising budget of $100 million per year. 它的銷售組織每年得到一億美元的廣告費。

The fatal affliction, let its name be whispered, is mass advertising . 這個致命的災星就是讓我們悄悄地說它吧大宗廣告。

Only three banks are spending heavily and continuously on television advertising . 現在只有三家銀行仍大量投資繼續做電視廣告。

To obtain more advertising it needed readers of all political persuasions . 為獲得更多的廣告,它需要迎合各種政治見解的讀者。

Many of the agencies advertise in the “help wanted“ sections of the daily papers . 很多介紹所都在日報的招聘欄里刊登廣告。