
adventure n.1.冒險。2.奇遇。3.【商業】投機。4.冒險性格。...


It is the element of myth that makes the bumppo stories more than mere adventure yarns . 這種神秘氣氛使班波的傳奇沒有流于普通驚險小說一路。

Craddock favoured his guest with a detailed account of all their adventures in london . 克雷杜克以詳細描述他們在倫敦的全部奇遇來歡迎客人。

With this equipment, you can explore a new world of adventure and underwater beauty ! 有了這套設備,你就能去冒險探索一個美麗的海底新世界。

The next day or two passed in similar fashion, and without noticeable adventures . 以后的兩三天也差不多是這么度過的,沒有什么重大的事件。

The adventure of the yellow diamond begins with the eleventh century of the christian era . 這顆黃鉆石從公元十一世紀就開始歷經魔劫。

At home also he listened to considerable talk of financial investment and adventure . 他在家里也曾聽到許多金融投資和金融投機的談話。

She was so efficient that it was certain she would make a success of the adventure . 她非常能干,她決心興辦的這個買賣一定會成功的。

After those adventures in ireland, she was pretty well known in that country . 當她在愛爾蘭弄出這許多把戲時,在那里已經聲名狼藉了。

Defoe vividly narrated the adventures of robinson crusoe on his desert island . 笛福生動地敘述了魯浜遜克魯索在荒島上的冒險故事。

Victor henry narrated his bomber adventure in a matter-of-fact way . 維克多亨利實事求是地把他在轟炸機上的冒險經歷敘述了一遍。

The fortune teller told jane that there was an adventure for her just around the corner . 算命先生告訴簡說她即將有奇遇。

It is the stereotyped monster of the horror films and the adventure books . 它還是恐怖影片和探險作品中慣用的怪物形象。

The adventure of the day mightily tormented tom's dreams that night . 那天夜里,白天的歷險經過大大地侵擾了湯姆的夢境。

The two frenchmen went through strange adventures in the african forests . 兩位法國人在非洲森林里經歷了種種奇遇。

Their various adventures are exciting, but perfectly plausible . 他們的冒險事跡真夠刺激,可完全是合情合理的。

The military part of his life has furnished him with many adventures . 在他以往的軍事生涯當中有不少驚險遭遇。

This did not yet tempt them to adventures staking soviet assets . 這還沒有促使他們把蘇聯的老本拿來孤注一擲。

What will be the next adventures of the moonstone? who can tell ? 月亮寶石下回還會有什么奇遇呢?誰說得上!

It was a record of hard work and of little adventure . 我的生活只不過是每日辛勤工作,沒有什么奇聞艷遇。