adoration n.1.崇拜,崇敬;禮拜。2.敬愛,愛慕。短語和例子in...
n. 1.崇拜,崇敬;禮拜。 2.敬愛,愛慕。 短語和例子in adoration 贊嘆著,崇拜著,頌揚著。 “adoration of the magi“ 中文翻譯: 三博士來朝(達芬奇); 三博士來朝(利皮)“happiness adoration“ 中文翻譯: 快樂崇拜“worship, adoration“ 中文翻譯: 崇拜“he is worthy of all your adoration“ 中文翻譯: 他值得你傾慕“adoranti“ 中文翻譯: 阿多蘭蒂“adoratory“ 中文翻譯: 拜神的場所“adorante“ 中文翻譯: 阿多蘭特“adoratski“ 中文翻譯: 阿多拉茨基“adoramus te“ 中文翻譯: 向主祈禱“adoratsky“ 中文翻譯: 阿多拉茨基“adoral zone of membranelles“ 中文翻譯: 微膜近口區“adorayim“ 中文翻譯: 阿多拉伊姆“adoral zone of membranelle“ 中文翻譯: 小膜口緣區
adore |
It gives much joy to see that the devotion of adoration of the exposed blessed sacrament is reaping so much enthusian in the diocese 一件可喜的事是:在我們的教區里明供圣體越來越受教友的歡迎。 |
Whether confucius praised food in these words or not , the quote undoubtedly reflects chinese people ' s adoration of food 姑且不去計較這句引語的本意是褒是貶,它無疑反映出了中國人對美食的崇尚。 |
From the corner of my eye , i saw phil , pale , slack - jawed , eyes wide with amazement and adoration combined 我從眼角里瞅見菲爾,他臉色蒼白,半張著嘴,眼睛瞪得大大的,又是驚訝又是崇敬。 |
Additionally , harriet was troubled by the fact that jack ' s adoration was not symmetrical . why only her left armpit 更令哈莉特不勝其煩的是杰克的崇拜的不對稱性。為什么總是左腋? |
Meanwhile , ' the babe of tennis ' still enjoys a life of fame and the adoration of an army of fans 與此同時,這個“網球寶貝”仍舊在享受著名氣如日中天、擁有無數球迷愛戴的生活。 |
In ireland there is so little sense of compromise that a girl has to choose between adoration and pregnancy 在愛爾蘭很少有妥協的概念,女孩不得不在愛慕和懷孕之間作出選擇。 |
Adoration , when it has entered god ' s presence , and had fellowship with him , will ever lead to the praise of his name 當我們來到神面前與他同在時,敬拜就要引到贊美他的名。 |
It is the thought of sin that will keep you low at his feet , and give the deep undertone to all your adoration 就是因為想到罪,才使你低聲俯伏在他腳前,深深地降服敬拜他。 |
He is the object of our adoration , and we are just responding to his call of love upon our lives 主角是神,而臺上臺下是合一的配角,一起同心合意地回應神的愛。 |
Religion starts with fear , passes through love and adoration and culminates in the union with the lord 宗教由恐懼開始,經歷愛與崇拜,最終發展到與神合一。 |
Shrill screams of adoration are erupting randomly from the stands at the back of the arena 尖銳的聲音崇拜的尖叫聲正在競技場的背面從臺子任意地爆發。 |
It is a great lesson to learn , that to be silent unto god is the secret of true adoration “我的心哪,你當專心等候神,因為我的盼望是從他而來。 ” |
He and his work were the subjects of unending analysis , gossip , dislike , adoration and rumor 他和他的作品將永遠是討論、耳語、厭惡、崇拜的主題。 |
Answer : carved the house and then nation an afterwards : 呵 , grow adoration how and greatly 答:后來雕塑家又邦了一句:呵,多么偉大的生殖崇拜! |
What jack had learnt in jail , unfortunately , turned out to be the adoration of the armpit 不幸的是,杰克在監獄里學到的是腋窩崇拜。 |
A true intercession and a deeper adoration will ever be found to be inseparable 一個誠實的代禱和一個更深的敬拜,兩者是不能分開的。 |
Problem1 : such a view on this attitude is it worthy of your adoration more 問題1 :這種飽“不”經風霜的態度真的那么值得你萬般眷戀? |
What is character adoration and what impact does it have on spiritual progress 何謂性格崇拜?它對修行進步與靈魂發展有哪些影響? |
Thus their latent affections would be stirred , and they would end with mutual adoration 這事使他們都興奮不已,他們愛得更深了。 |