
adolescence n.青年期,青春期,青春。

Psychologists are dealing with the problem of maladjusted adolescence and “juvenile delinquency“ . 心理學家對付著不適應環境的青少年和“青少年犯罪”的問題。


Preventive measures should preferably begin in childhood and adolescence 這些預防方法應在幼年或青年時開始養成,效益將更大。

The relationship between personality traits , subjective stress , and coping styles in adolescence 主觀應激與應對風格之間的關系

Structure of health - related behaviors in adolescence : a confirmatory factor analysis 初中階段青少年健康行為的因素結構特點分析

In adolescence , nutritional requirements increase because the growth rate increases 因生長加快,青少年對營養的需要增高。

138 spiritual cultivation and life dealing with adolescence on the spiritual path 138修行與生活如何引導青少年的修行道路

Lucinda bassett suffered from acute anxiety and disorder since adolescence 壓力及焦慮中西部中心的創辦人及行政總裁。

Using the boston brace to treat idiopathic spinal scoliosis in adolescence 矯形器治療青少年特發性脊柱側凸的療效分析

The effects of adolescence love on mental health status of middle school students 青春期戀愛對中學生心理健康的影響

Adolescence is the age when children try to bring up their parents 當孩子試著撫養他們的父母的時候,青春期是年齡。

Men and women are both taught to put aside adventure with adolescence 男人,女人在成長的過程中都被告知不要冒險。

You spent your entire adolescence waiting for your mutant powers to appear 你整個青春期都在等待變異能力的出現。

Social psychology of adolescence 青年社會心理學

Clinical analysis of peptic ulcer in senility and adolescence 老年人消化性潰瘍臨床特點及治療體會附57例臨床分析

Middle adolescence children struggle with physical and emotional changes 15歲的青少年面對身體心理許多的轉變。

Adolescence when a lad forsakes his bosom buddy for a bosomed buddy 青春時期- -少年丟棄玩伴、追求異性的時候。

Other behavioral disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence 其他童年和少年期行為障礙

Hoogula didn ' t even know she was a female until her adolescence 在青春期之前,胡古拉甚至不知道自己身為女性。

The developmental characteristics of social support system in adolescence 青少年社會支持系統發展特點的研究