admirable adj.1.可欽佩的,可佩服的,可驚嘆的。2.美妙的,極...
adj. 1.可欽佩的,可佩服的,可驚嘆的。 2.美妙的,極好的。 adv. -bly 可贊嘆地,美妙地。 n. -ness 美妙。 “admirable and praiseworthy“ 中文翻譯: 可欽可贊“admirable bolete“ 中文翻譯: 奇特牛肝菌“admirable conduct“ 中文翻譯: 琦行“admirable crichton“ 中文翻譯: 多才多藝的人“admirable target“ 中文翻譯: 令人羨慕的目標“admirable teacher“ 中文翻譯: 令人羨慕的教師“the admirable crichton“ 中文翻譯: 孤島歷險記“distinguished and admirable people“ 中文翻譯: 風流之輩“admira wacker“ 中文翻譯: 艾特米拿“admira“ 中文翻譯: 阿德米拉“admir“ 中文翻譯: 阿德米爾“adminutil“ 中文翻譯: 大家都不知道這個有什么用,所以我也不大清楚,呵呵; 這個有什么用,我也不大清楚
For in the admirable phrase of a spanish author julian marias, “english can be spoken in a british or american manner. “ 西班牙作者朱利安馬里亞斯說得好,“英語可以按英國的方式講也可以按美國的方式講”。 |
admiral |
Other visitors from abroad and other students of american politics have thought that freedom of private association in america has incurred certain results that are less than admirable . 來自海外的其他訪客和研究美國政治的其他學者,認為私人結社的自由,在美國所產生的某些結果,并不值得讓人恭維。 |
Since my friend, mr. edward leggatt, an able writer as well as an admirable painter has exhaustively discussed charles strickland's work in a little book . 因為我的朋友愛德華雷加特先生既是一位寫文章的高手,又是一位深有造詣的畫家,他在一本小書里對查里斯思特里克蘭德的作品已經做了詳盡的探索。 |
His well-formed aquiline nose, straight thin lips, and the admirable contour of his finely-formed limbs, impressed the whole company instantly with the idea of something uncommon . 他生就一只端正的鷹鉤鼻,兩片扁扁的薄嘴唇,四肢勻稱,風度翩翩,眾人立刻覺得此人非尋常之輩。 |
The conference at los muortos would be an admirable excuse for this, and upon the spot he resolved to go over to the derrick ranch house, after all . 他可以拿摩埃托斯農莊的會議當一個出色的借口,就頓時打定了主意,到底還是要上德里克的莊屋去。 |
Her family was not very keen on her marrying john but they had to admit that when trouble struck the family he behaved admirable . 她家里的人不喜歡她與約翰結婚,但是他們不得不承認,在這個家庭碰到困難的時候他的表現是令人欽佩的。 |
Those that i have in mind in beginning to unfold this simple history offered an admirable setting to an innocent pastime . 在我為這簡單的故事揭開第一頁的時候,我心頭想到的那些情景,就為無傷大雅的消閑提供了一幅絕妙的背景。 |
On such an occasion at the glovers', the elder miss hancock turned to edward and remarked upon his wife's admirable playing . 在格洛家里,每逢這種場合,兩位漢考克小姐中年紀較大的那位便轉向愛德華,評論他妻子的精彩彈奏。 |
And nothing, perhaps, could better have summed up his faculty for forming independent judgments which shelton found so admirable . 他也許再沒有什么能更好說明他的獨立判斷力的了,謝爾頓對于這種能力覺得很是欽慕。 |
For in the admirable phrase of a spanish author julian marias, “english can be spoken in a british or american manner. “ 西班牙作者朱利安馬里亞斯說得好,“英語可以按英國的方式講也可以按美國的方式講”。 |
She was the only prominent candidate for death in this bunker who displayed an admirable and superior composure . 她是這個地下室中唯一顯貴的和注定要死的婦女,并且表現出一種令人欽佩和勝人一籌的鎮靜態度。 |
Bertha constantly received congratulations from the surrounding squires on the admirable way in which edward managed . 伯莎不斷地接受來自周圍地主鄉紳們的賀詞,他們稱贊愛德華用于管理這地方的良好方式。 |
The latter came walking past their cab; both husband and wife had an admirable view of his face in the light of a street lamp . 后者走過他們的車子;這夫婦兩個借著街上的燈光把他的臉色看得清清楚楚。 |
This admirable principle for the furtherance of human happiness is perfectly familiar to businessmen and advertisers . 這條增進人類幸福的令人贊美的原則,商人們和從事廣告宣傳的人都是非常熟悉的。 |
In fact, early biographers didn't hesitate to make up an admirable story or two about their hero . 其實,早期的傳記作家常不惜弄虛作假,編造出一兩個與英雄人物有關的美妙的故事來。 |
Here she set up the same trade she had followed in ireland, by her admirable management and a good tongue . 在這里她重操在愛爾蘭時的舊業,靠著她那優良的管理和很會說話的舌頭。 |
He had a real feeling for literature, and he could impart his own passion with an admirable fluency . 他對文字具有真正的愛好,能夠痛快淋漓細致入微地把自己的感情表達出來。 |
Everything is extremely well conducted, vatel; nothing could be more admirable than his majesty's supper . 法戴爾,一切都安排得好極了;陛下的晚宴真是再體面也沒有了。 |
If we could banish all such preconceptions when we read, that would be an admirable beginning . 假如我們在閱讀時,能排除一切這類先入之見,那將是令人羨慕的良好開端。 |