
adjudicative adj.判決的。

With an eye to the systematic of judicial interpretation , the inherent requirement of judicial independence , the nature of criminal adjudication , the accordance of power and responsibili ty , and the semanteme of judicial independence , the author finds out that the principle of “ the people ' s courts shall exercise judicial power independently “ shall also include the personal independence of individual judges . on this basis , the author reviews the adjudicative power endowed with the adjudicatory committee by law and holds that this provision has its historical significance , yet its application in today brings more malpractice than benefits . its application goes against the justness , the quality and the efficiency of the administration of justice , and goes against the realization of other important functions of the adjudicatory committee , the improvement of the skills and abilities of the judges 在此基礎上,筆者對我國法律賦予審判委員會實質意義上的裁判權的規定進行了評析,認為,審判委員會行使裁判權,雖然有其存在的歷史原因,但在現在已經是弊大于利,它不利于司法公正,不利于保證案件質量,不利于提高訴訟效率,不利于提高訴訟效益,不利于審判委員會其他職能的正常發揮,不利于提高法官素質,理論界和實務界提出的種種保留審判委員會的裁判權的主張,并不能克服審判委員會行使裁判權的弊端,因此,應當取消審判委員會的裁判權(不是廢除審判委員會) ,法定的裁判者只能是負責個案審判的法官和人民陪審員。

To grasp the method of adjudicative of punishment correctly is the core of “ principle of suiting punishment of crime “ and “ punishment in keeping with the crime “ 而正確把握量刑的方法,對做到“罰當其罪”和“罪刑相適應”至關重要。


If the adjudicative fact does n ' t match with the objective fact , the adjudicative fact as a factual statement is false statement ; if the adjudicative fact does n ' t match with the normative fact , the adjudicative fact is just a meaningless statement in the domain of law even though the factual statement matches with the objective fact and is true statement , and can not be used as the basis of the coming into being , changing and terminating of the relationships of the right and liability 裁判事實如果不符合客觀事實,這一裁判事實作為一種事實判斷就是一個偽命題;同時,如果裁判事實不符合規范事實,即使它符合客觀事實,也就是說這一事實判斷也是一個真命題,但在法律上它只是一個無意義的命題,不能作為權利義務關系產生、變更和消滅的依據。

No matter what an important role the subjective factor plays during the procedure of the finding of the adjudicative facts , the adjudicative facts must be determined on the basis of the objective evidentiary facts . the truth or falsehood about the adjudicative fact must be judged upon the matching relation of the adjudicative facts and the objective facts 對于裁判事實的真與假,人們只能基于裁判事實與客觀事實的競合關系才能加以判斷,因為無論主觀因素在裁判事實的認定過程中起著何種重要的作用,裁判事實都必須建立在客觀的證據事實基礎之上。

In the law circle , some scholars who uphold the objective truth doctrine unilaterally emphasize the complete matching between the adjudicative facts and the objective facts , meanwhile some others who insist the legal truth doctrine unilaterally emphasize the matching between the adjudicative facts and the normative facts 理論界一些主張裁判事實“客觀真實說”的學者往往片面強調裁判事實與客觀事實的完全競合,而一些主張“法律真實說”的學者則往往片面強調裁判事實與規范事實的競合。

With an eye to the systematic of judicial interpretation , the inherent requirement of judicial independence , the nature of criminal adjudication , the accordance of power and responsibili ty , and the semanteme of judicial independence , the author finds out that the principle of “ the people ' s courts shall exercise judicial power independently “ shall also include the personal independence of individual judges . on this basis , the author reviews the adjudicative power endowed with the adjudicatory committee by law and holds that this provision has its historical significance , yet its application in today brings more malpractice than benefits . its application goes against the justness , the quality and the efficiency of the administration of justice , and goes against the realization of other important functions of the adjudicatory committee , the improvement of the skills and abilities of the judges 在此基礎上,筆者對我國法律賦予審判委員會實質意義上的裁判權的規定進行了評析,認為,審判委員會行使裁判權,雖然有其存在的歷史原因,但在現在已經是弊大于利,它不利于司法公正,不利于保證案件質量,不利于提高訴訟效率,不利于提高訴訟效益,不利于審判委員會其他職能的正常發揮,不利于提高法官素質,理論界和實務界提出的種種保留審判委員會的裁判權的主張,并不能克服審判委員會行使裁判權的弊端,因此,應當取消審判委員會的裁判權(不是廢除審判委員會) ,法定的裁判者只能是負責個案審判的法官和人民陪審員。

As an error - correcting procedure , the procedure for trial supervision is not a necessary adjudicative procedure for every case , but a legal form to realize trial supervision . the procedure for trial supervision plays an unsubstituted important role in protecting the people ' s legitimate rights and interests , and safeguarding judicial justice 作為一種糾錯程序,審判監督程序不是每個案件都必經的審判程序,是實現審判監督的一種法定形式,對保護人民群眾的合法權益,維護司法公正,有著不可替代的重要作用。

The proposals aimed at preserving the adjudicatory committee do not overcome these malpractices . thus the adjudicative power of the adjudicatory committee but not the committee itself shall be canceled , and adjudicator de jure shall only be judges and people ' s assessors carrying out criminal trials 根據司法獨立的要求,法官在從事審判時,要獨立于其上級和同事,任何人都不得對法官如何進行裁判作出指示,法官進行裁判的依據,只能是法律的明文規定和依法認定的案件事實。

There exists some malpractices for our traditional civil executive systems in power installation , management and operation , and it should be restructured according to the division theory of administration and rights - and - obligations in the civil executive power : under the condition that executive power is still installed in courts , administrative executive departments should be set up for its full implementation , separate implementation is also encouraged according to the different natures and characteristics of executive and adjudicative powers , and its implementation should be handed to the intermediate courts or higher to guarantee the justice of adjudication 我國傳統的民事執行制度在權力的設置、管理、運行等方面存在弊端,應依據民事執行權的行政權屬性和權能劃分的理論進行重構:在執行權仍配置于法院的前提下,設立行政化的執行局專司執行,并按照實施權和裁決權的不同性質和特點實行分離行使,為保證裁決權的公正性,應統一交由中級以上人民法院行使。

From the viewpoint of procedural law , adjudicative facts are the facts filtered through procedural rules ; from the viewpoint of evidence , adjudicative facts are the facts reproduced according to the evidence rule on the basis of the objective facts ; from the viewpoint of substantive law , adjudicative facts are the facts trimmed according to substantive rules 從程序的角度看,裁判事實是經過程序法規范過濾了的事實;從證據的角度看,裁判事實是在客觀事實的基礎上,依據證據規則再現或建構的事實;從規范事實的角度看,裁判事實則是依據實體法規范裁剪過的事實。

Actually , the objective truth doctrine and the legal truth doctrine are n ' t mutually antagonistic on the same question about the adjudicative fact theory , because the matching between the adjudicative facts and the objective facts points to the question of the truth or falsehood about the adjudicative facts , meanwhile the matching between the adjudicative facts and normative facts points to the question of the legitimacy of the adjudicative facts ; in the final analysis , the question of the truth or false about adjudicative facts is a question of factual judgment about what it is , at the same time , the question of the legitimacy of the adjudicative facts is a question of value judgment about - what it ought to be 其實, “客觀真實說”和“法律真實說”不是針對同一問題產生的兩種對立的裁判事實理論,因為裁判事實與客觀事實的關系問題需要解決的是裁判事實的真偽問題,而裁判事實與規范事實的關系問題需要解決的則是裁判事實的正當性或合法性問題;裁判事實的真偽問題歸根結底是實然領域中的事實判斷問題,而裁判事實的正當性或合法性問題歸根結底是應然領域中的價值判斷問題。

The finding of the adjudicative facts is affected by a couple of factors . on one hand , the adjudicative facts must be matched with the objective facts ( the facts on the human life or the facts on nature ) ; on the other hand , the adjudicative facts must be matched with the normative facts 裁判事實的認定主要受到以下兩個方面情況的影響:一方面是裁判事實與客觀事實(生活事實或自然事實)的競合關系,另一方面是裁判事實與規范事實的競合關系。

The matching between the adjudicative facts and the objective facts , and the matching between the adjudicative facts and the normative facts can be integrated . the principle of taking facts as the basis and the law as criterion generalizes the confrontational unity nicely 裁判事實與客觀事實的競合和裁判事實與規范事實的競合完全可以統一起來, “以事實為根據,以法律為準繩”準確地揭示了它們之間的這種對立統一關系。

When investigation is not monitored with adjudicative power , the findings in such an investigation may be directly used as adjudicatory evidence , adjudicatory justice , judicial independenc e , and the defendant ' s right of defense will be entirely undermined 當偵查不受審判權監控并且偵查所獲可以直接用作審判證據時,審判公正,司法獨立和被告人的抗辯權就都遭到了根本的破壞。

The fore half statement of the principle sets up the truth of the adjudicative facts on the basis of the objective facts , the rear half statement of the principle deals with the legitimacy of the adjudicative facts , and the two sides are equally important 這一論斷的前半句話是以裁判事實的客觀真實性為基礎的,后半句話則是解決裁判事實正當性問題的基本原則,兩者不可偏廢。

Based on a large number of materials , the paper tries to research the jury system ’ s bilateral faces from the point of function , that is , jury system from bi - dimensional viewpoints of adjudicative function and political function 本文在掌握大量有關陪審制度的材料的基礎上,試圖從功能角度研究陪審制度的雙重面孔,即政治功能和審判功能雙重視野下的陪審制度。

Then , the author balances the pros and cons of these two methods and therefore puts forward the new method focusing on the adjudicative function and political function of the jury system as well as the relation between these two functions 在此基礎上,本文提出了一種審判功能/政治功能的研究進路,并介紹了本文的分析框架。第二部分:陪審制度的審判功能。

After demonstrating that adjudicative power shall be allocated to adjudicators de jure , the author discuses the disjoint of adjudicator de jure and adjudicator de facto in section ii of this chapter 人民代表大會制度是我國的根本制度,人民代表大會是我國的國家權力機關,其他國家機關都是人民代表大會產生的,受人民代表大會監督。人民法院也不例外。

In the judicial practice , the question of the matching between the adjudicative facts and objective facts as well as the question of the matching between the adjudicative facts and normative facts must be solved at the same time 因此,在司法實踐中,必須同時解決好裁判事實與規范事實的競合問題和裁判事實與客觀事實的競合問題。