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adjective law 【法律】附屬法,程序法 (opp. substantiv...

In china , under the influence of legal tradition and continental legal system , the evidence system pays more attention to substantive law rather than adjective law . in addition to the unscientific setting of the testimony standard , this evidence system influence the effect and quality of our country “ s criminal trial 在我國,由于受傳統法律思想和大陸法系證據制度的影響,重實體輕程序的審判思想積重難返,加之證明標準設置缺乏科學性,嚴重影響了我國刑事審判的效率和質量。


Jurisdiction corresponding to legislation and administrtion , refers to the special activities previlleged to special units with judicial powers endowed by law and as mediators to make the final and impartial arbitration on disputes and contradictions of the involved clients according to adjective law and substansive law 司法是指與立法、行政相對應的,由依法享有司法權的專門機關作為居間者對兩造當事人的爭議和沖突依照程序法和實體法作出的公正的最終裁判的專門活動。

1 adjective law is regarding as the main content of bankruptcy reorganization institution , the core of bankruptcy reorganization institution is the bankruptcy reorganization procedure formed from a series of procedural rules . the bankruptcy reorganization procedure has the characters of loose conditions , specifically objects , diversiform participants , diversiform measures and procedural priority 一、破產重整制度以程序法為主要內容,其核心就是由一系列程序性規則構成的破產重整程序,破產重整程序具有條件寬松、對象特定、主體多元、措施多樣、程序優先等特征。

In china , under the influence of legal tradition and continental legal system , the evidence system pays more attention to substantive law rather than adjective law . in addition to the unscientific setting of the testimony standard , this evidence system influence the effect and quality of our country “ s criminal trial 在我國,由于受傳統法律思想和大陸法系證據制度的影響,重實體輕程序的審判思想積重難返,加之證明標準設置缺乏科學性,嚴重影響了我國刑事審判的效率和質量。

The system with the features of adjective law and substantive law is a new system that bank can use to safeguard debt effectively , and which bank must understand and master . therefore , it is the needs of the times that the system is established and improved in china financial law or banking law according to the successful foreign legislative experience 債權銀行應當熟悉、掌握代位權和撤銷權法律制度,有的放矢地在保障債權實現的過程中加以運用,隨著法制進程的推進和實踐經驗的積累,吸收和借鑒外國的成功立法經驗,在金融法領域確立和健全債權保全制度也是立法的時代呼喚。

Reflection cn the adjective law of administraticn of our country 對我國行政程序法的幾點思考