
adherent adj.1.黏附…的,依附…的。2.【植物;植物學】駢生...

Some adherents claim we are still living in the seventh age ( “ seventh day “ ) 某些信徒聲稱我們仍然活在第七時代( “第七天” ) 。

“ by bonaparte , or , at least , by his adherents . “拿破侖或至少是他的黨羽。 ”


Its adherents ( mimamsakas ) believed one must have unquestionable faith in the vedas and perform the fire - sacrifices or yaj ? s regularly 彌曼差的信徒認為一個人應該毫無疑問地相信吠陀和履行火祭。

Nearly 500 years since christianity won its first adherents in japan , conversions are increasing again 將近500年前,基督宗教在日本贏得了它的第一批信徒; 500年后的今天,基督徒的人數又在增加。

According to these so - called existentialists - they are all nietzsche ' s adherents - existence has no wisdom at all 根據這些所謂的存在主義者- -他們都是尼采的追隨者- -存在絕對是沒有智慧的。

In the adherent culture , the virus did not result in cell lysis after the insect cells were infected 而在本論文中,我們嘗試將此一非溶裂昆蟲細胞/桿狀病毒表現系統轉移到旋轉瓶的懸浮培養。

The adherents of ming dynasty were a complex group of people , so differences within them should be distinguished 摘要明遺民是一個復雜的群體,應當區別并辨析明遺民內在的差異。

Though there were few models of those adherents , the discussion about them will be convincing for that of adherents 明遺民典范雖為數不多,但時談論明遺民問題,其最具說服力。

There is tight ( or thin and highly adherent ) scale and decarburization , at least in certain areas 部件上有密布(或稀疏但附著力很強)的鱗片和脫碳痕跡,至少在部分區域如此。

Adhesives - determination of shear behaviour of structural bonds - part 2 : thick - adherent tensile - test method 膠粘劑.結構粘結剪切特性的測定.第2部分:厚度粘結拉伸試驗方法

Rip ' s sole domestic adherent was his dog wolf , who was as much hen - pecked as his master 在家里,瑞普的唯一知己就是那條名叫“狼”的狗, “狼”和他主人一樣怕女主人。

Generally speaking , developing countries now stand at a secondary and adherent position 從總體上來說,目前發展中國家在世界政治經濟中處于次要乃至依附的地位。

If our family members are pious adherents of other faiths , how do we communicate and get along with them 若家人是虔誠的宗教信仰者,該如何與他們溝通相處?

Its adherents dominate corporate board rooms , and its allure motivates countless entrepreneurs 其擁護者控制著公司的董事會議,其魅力激發著無數的企業家。

At year ' s end , scores of religious adherents remained in prison because of their religious activities 在年終,許多宗教信徒因參加宗教活動仍被囚禁。

The baby had thin , tightly adherent skin that causes arthrogryposis and respiratory insufficiency 患嬰有著薄,緊貼的皮膚,造成關節臠縮及呼吸不全。

Many religious leaders and adherents have been detained , arrested , or sentenced to prison terms 很多宗教領袖和信徒被逮捕、關押和判處徒刑。

Several problems about zhu rongzhong , a painter anti an adherent of the early qing dynasty , and his works 清初遺民書畫家朱容重諸問題及其作品

Status recognition of adherents of the ming dynasty in early qing dynasty and exploration on its significance 清初明遺民的身份認同與意義尋求