
activator n.【化學】活化劑;催化劑。

activator rna

The import activator mostly use vme bus productrial control computer plc and ipc 進口調速器多用vme總線工控機和plc ;國產調速器則多用std總線工控機plc和ipc 。

For this reason , custom activators should be fairly lightweight in terms of serialization requirements 因此,就序列化要求而言,自定義激活器應該相當輕量。

It is nature activator to develop tourism for china has large population and wide range territory 中國人口眾多,幅員遼闊,這時發展旅游業的天然催化劑。

Locates a type from this assembly and creates an instance of it using the system activator 從此程序集中查找某個類型,然后使用系統激活器創建它的實例。

The pathophysiologic mechanism of ppar and its activators on ventricular remodeling and heart failure 頸動脈粥樣硬化斑塊形成及其血管重塑的力學機制

Uses as an activator for fluoresent materials . also used in the research of electronics and science 用途用作熒光材料激活劑、電子工業及科學研究。

The mechanism of the regulation of calcium to the expression of tissue plasminogen activator in epidermis 磷酸三鈣復合材料成骨細胞載體的體外實驗

Control of tomato bacterial wilt by injection of mixture of fungicidal and plant gene activator 奇茵植物基因活化劑混合液注射防治番茄青枯病初報

Activators control and participate in the activation of marshal by reference objects 激活器控制并且參與對引用對象的封送進行的激活操作。

Effects of a plant activator protein on the growth and development of beet armyworm larvae 植物激活蛋白對甜菜夜蛾幼蟲生長和發育的影響

Property on the activator that is returned by the current property to traverse the chain of activators 在當前屬性返回的激活器上使用

Activators use the 激活器使用

The experimental study on the effects of potassium channel activators on triggered activity 鉀通道激動劑對觸發激動的實驗研究

Influence of chemical activators on the pozzolanic property 0f reject fly ash 化學激發劑對廢棄粗粉煤灰火山灰活性的影響

Antitank mine activator 反坦克地雷觸發器

Study on effects of activators on mechanical performance of the geopolymeric cement 激發劑對土聚水泥力學性能影響的研究

Some activators create contexts , whereas others create actual objects 有些激活器創建上下文,而有些則創建實際的對象。

Bundle activator implementation 包激活實現

Effects of activator on the hydration properties of fly ash - cement binders 激發劑對粉煤灰水泥膠凝材料水化性能的影響