uploads/action painting.jpg

action painting 灑潑畫〔抽象派畫,以亂灑顏料等為特征〕。

action radius

P > action painting often looks childish to the non - artist because of the techniques used to be apply paint , such as throwing it on the canvas 在外行看來,動作畫派的作品通常是幼稚的,這主要是因為畫家采用的作畫方法,比如將顏料潑灑在畫布上。

Action painting often looks childish to the non - artist because of the techniques used to be apply paint , such as throwing it on the canvas 在外行看來,動作畫派的作品通常是幼稚的,這主要是因為畫家采用的作畫方法,比如將顏料潑灑在畫布上。

Action painting often looks childish to the non - artist because of the techniques used to be a ly paint , such as throwing it on the canvas 在外行看來,動作畫派的作品通常是幼稚的,這主要是因為畫家采用的作畫方法,比如將顏料潑灑在畫布上。

Action painting often looks childish to the non - artist because of the techniques used to apply paint , such as throwing it on the canvas 在外行看來,動作派的作品通常是幼稚的,這主要是因為畫家采用的作畫方法,比如將顏料潑灑在畫布上。

Action paint . ing 抽象派的行動繪畫