
actinoid adj.射線狀的。


On the base of serious summarizing the experience of more than 20 pilot villages of the all city during the past 7 years , twice villages surveys in large scale in 1999 and 2001 ( including over 200 villages ) and thirteen pilot villages in the project of rural development by technology and education project in beijing in 2002 , generalizing experience on how to develop village economy and rural development by technology and education project entirely , extrapolating the operating mechanism , management system and village development pattern in how to rely on technology to train rural elites and boom village economy especially . thereby , representing the conception , goal and operating clue of village economy and rural development by technology and education project for 21st century in beijing in detail . it is the first time to represent four operating thesis of rural development by technology and education project for 21st century in china systematically : system thesis of village productive forces ( inside ) ; regional actinoid thesis in village ( outside ) , operating thesis for origin , bank and fluid , and the thesis of biology balancing and limited factors 在認真總結北京市7年多來全市20余個科教興村老試點和1999年、 2001年兩次大規模村級調查( 200余村) 、北京市2002年十三個科教興村新的試點的基礎上,全面總結如何依靠科技、教育在發展村域經濟、開展科教興村等方面的經驗教訓,特別是重點總結歸納了7年來北京市如何依靠科技、培育鄉土人才、促進村域經濟發展的科教興村的管理體系、運作模式、村級發展模式;在此基礎上,詳細闡述了21世紀北京市科教興村的概念、目標和工作思路;并在國內首次較系統地、深入地闡述了21世紀科教興村的四大運行理論基礎:村域生產力系統理論(對內) 、村域區域經濟發展輻射理論(對外) 、 “源、庫、流”運轉學說和“生態平衡理論和限制因子學說” 。