
acquest n.1.取得物。2.【法律】繼承方法以外取得的財產。


It was found that they were fit for the lpi applications . on the digital signal processing , we studied the demand on compute ability for fast acquest . we designed a new signal form named ds - fh - th signal which costs less in processing but without any lost on the lpi performance 在信號的數字處理方面,分析了直接序列擴頻雷達在信號捕獲階段對計算能力的要求,在不降低系統lpi性能的基礎上,設計了ds - fh - th雷達信號,降低系統對計算能力的要求。

The realization of quick acquest under very low snr and big frequency shift is one of the key problems of lpi radar . we designed a new receiver which needs less computation spend without any decline of the performance of the radar 如何在較低輸入信噪比和較大頻偏的條件下實現擴頻碼快速捕獲是碼同步的難點,本文在不損失系統性能的基礎上,設計了一種結構簡單的接收機實現方案。

Some systems look only at the “ acquest ” ( assets built during the marriage ) ; others count the lot 有的國家的法律僅對“公有財產” ,即婚后取得的財產進行分割;而有的國家則會對全部財產進行分割。

Some systems look only at the “ acquest ” ( assets built during the marriage ) ; others count the lot 有些國家僅要求對“婚后財產” (即婚后創建的資產)進行分割,有的卻要計算分割所有財產。

Some systems look only at the “ acquest ” ( assets built during the marriage ) ; others count the lot 有的國家僅要求對“婚后財產” (即婚后創建的資產)進行分割,有的卻要分割所有財產。

Quick and accurate acquest of signal is critical for the utility of an lpi radar 準確、快速的擴頻碼同步是編碼lpi雷達系統實用的前提。