
acorn n.櫟子,橡子,槲果。 come to the acor...

acorn cup

An acorn grows into an oak 橡子可成長成橡樹。

Both the mighty acorns . - zapping 強大的橡子隊

Oh , do you like an acorn jelly 你想吃橡子果凍嗎

Large stream from little fountain flow ; tall oak from little acorn grow 汪洋洪流來自細泉;參天橡樹生自橡實。

Every oak must be an acorn 每棵橡樹都曾是一粒橡子

No , dad . it wasn ' t an acorn 不,老爸,不是一個橡子

Great oak from little acorn grow 大橡樹生于小橡實。

Insert acorn nuts with mj thread Mj螺紋壓裝配盲孔螺母

Reporter 3 an ape throwing coleslaw ? - a big acorn ievel fluh -還是猿人亂扔卷心菜? -大橡子媽咪媽咪紅

They want acorns from oak trees 他們想要橡樹的橡樹果

Acorn adventurous mind introduction 橡子冒險記游戲攻略

It was just an acorn . a little acorn 只是一個小橡子,橡子

Where else would we pick our acorns 那我們到哪里摘橡子呢?

Every oak has been an acorn 千里之行,始于足下。由小到大。

It was just an acorn that - that hit my son . a iittle acorn 砸到我兒子的不過是個橡子一個小小的橡子

Great oaks from little acorns grow 諺語萬丈高樓平地起。

There are many acorns on the oak tree 這棵橡樹上有很多橡子。

The acorns have done the impossible 橡子隊完成了不可能的使命

Every oak must be an acorn [ ` eikorn ] 每棵橡樹都曾是一粒橡子。