
accusal n.= accusation.

When provided in this law and other laws , act as these provisions “ in addition , the 2th , 3th , 6th , 8th etc . relative chapters in specific provision of criminal law provide the concrete accusal , facts about a crime and lawful penalty for all kinds concrete unit crimes 本法分則和其他法律另有規定的,依照規定。 ”另外,刑法分則第二章、第三章、第四章、第六章和第八章等相關章節條文之中,對各種具體的單位犯罪,規定了確定的罪名、罪狀和法定刑。

Surely they ' ll hit our 3 brothers badly and try to make them to accept some accusal so that they themselves will be “ nothing wrong “ 現我家三兄弟被當“犯人”關進看守所了是要屈打成招,安插罪名以洗脫他們的非法綁架之罪吧?


View from the economic , political and social backgrounds of present stage , the condition to abolish death penalty is far from being mature , but the system of death penalty in our country is born several defects , so we should strictly restrict the object and accusal that applied to death penalty through legislation and justice , demolish the procedure for judicial review of death penalty , carry out the system of the third instance as the final and add the institution of pardon 從我國現階段的經濟、政治與人文背景看,廢除死刑的條件尚不成熟,但我國的死刑制度存在不少缺陷,應從立法與司法上對死刑適用的對象,適用的罪名,加以嚴格限制,取消死刑復核程序,對死刑案件實行三審終審制度,增設死刑赦免制度。

When provided in this law and other laws , act as these provisions “ in addition , the 2th , 3th , 6th , 8th etc . relative chapters in specific provision of criminal law provide the concrete accusal , facts about a crime and lawful penalty for all kinds concrete unit crimes 本法分則和其他法律另有規定的,依照規定。 ”另外,刑法分則第二章、第三章、第四章、第六章和第八章等相關章節條文之中,對各種具體的單位犯罪,規定了確定的罪名、罪狀和法定刑。

But , in the condition of coincidence of law , one of the accusal can make comprehensive criminal estimate for legal interests , continuous offence absorbed offence and continuous offence should adopt the principle of punishments for plural crimes 由于連續犯、牽連犯和吸收犯侵犯的都是數法益,從全面評價法益的角度講,應當實行數罪并罰。

Surely they ' ll hit our 3 brothers badly and try to make them to accept some accusal so that they themselves will be “ nothing wrong “ 現我家三兄弟被當“犯人”關進看守所了是要屈打成招,安插罪名以洗脫他們的非法綁架之罪吧?

Debate between accusal and crime - analysis on subsection 2 of section 17 , criminal law 對刑法第十七條第二款的解讀