
accent n.1.重音,揚音,強音;重音符號;韻符;抑揚。2.強調...

“it is sure to be all right, i trust,“ she resumed in uneasy accents . “我相信,這件事肯定會辦妥的,是吧?”她接著用一種不安的語氣問道。

“oh,“ she said, this time with an accent of comprehension . “啊,”她說,這一回可帶著會意的口氣。


You could tell that at once by his travelled air, his well-cut tweed suit and fearless accent . 這是一目了然了,只要看他那見過世面的神態,剪裁合身的花呢衣服,以及肆無忌憚的聲調,便清楚了。

The former spoke most, and seemed to maintain an authority over her companion, and both spoke with the scottish accent . 前者話多,對她的同伴看來有點架子,而兩個人說話都帶蘇格蘭口音。

Corporation farming accented the tendency toward integrated control and operation of two or more segments of the industry . 組合的農業企業都趨向于由兩個或幾個環節組成統一管理和作業。

They came to see this russian-born financial prodigy with the cambridge accent and the parisian charm . 他們紛紛來瞻仰這位俄國出生、帶著劍橋口音和巴黎豐采的金融界神童。

It was possible that grandpa's southern accent and his illiteracy made him mispronounce his own name . 這也有可能是因為姥爺的南方口音和不識字的原因而念錯了自己的名字。

From the beginning, i hated the way he talked, his whining voice and his vulgar accent . 從一開始我便痛恨他講話的樣子,他那哼哼唧唧的聲音和俗里俗氣的口音。

She continued, her accents sinking under a deep consciousness of degradation of the proposal . 她接著說,由于深深感到這一要求的屈辱性,她的聲音更低了。

Faber had to concentrate hard to understand what he was saying; his scots accent was very broad . 他說話帶濃重的蘇格蘭口音,費伯幾乎難以聽懂。

“it is sure to be all right, i trust,“ she resumed in uneasy accents . “我相信,這件事肯定會辦妥的,是吧?”她接著用一種不安的語氣問道。

He hath a trick of coeur-de-lion's face, the accent of his tongue affected him . 他的面貌有些像獅心王的樣子,他說話時的音調也有點像他。

Notice syncopation in the second phrase where the accent falls after the first beat . 注意第二樂句中的切分音,重音在第一拍之后出現。

When hob came here he spoke english with a sort of horrible ruritanian accent . 霍布來這里時說的是一口糟糕的帶羅里塔尼亞口音的英語。

He laid on some elocution lessons, to try to knock the edge off her country accent . 他為她安排了幾次演講課,幫助她克服鄉下口音。

She had always said how lucky she was to have been able to lose her lincolnshire accent . 她常常談到為能改掉林肯郡口音感到高興。

E has virtually nothing of compassionate accent of brooklyn . 布魯克林地方的人說活有些悲天憫人的味道,他就基本上沒有這樣的腔調。

Fore god, my lord, well spoken, with good accent and good discretion . 上帝在上,老爺,您念得好極了,真是抑揚頓挫,曲盡其妙。

Constantine the great knew no greek and justinian's accent was bad . 君士坦丁大帝也的確不懂希臘語,查士丁尼的希臘語音調不正。