
abuzz adj.〔用作表語〕1.嗡嗡叫的。2.嘈雜,擾嚷;活躍,...

When the first announcements came out that a new sharp zaurus would “ run linux , “ the linux community was abuzz with fascination and rumors 當sharp zaurus首次聲明要“運行linux ”時, linux社區一時間變得熱鬧非凡,既有愛好者的歡呼,又充斥了各種謠言。


It is , however , capturing the imagination of a large number of developers and commentators . after dashboard was demonstrated at the o reilly open source convention this year , the room was abuzz , and even linux desktop skeptic tim o reilly was moved to wonder why mac os x hadn t come up with a dashboard - like product yet 當今年的o reilly open source convention ( o reilly開放源代碼大會)首次演示完dashboard的時候,展廳里的討論聲就不絕于耳,甚至是對linux桌面系統持懷疑態度的tim o reilly也在開始琢磨,為什么mac os x上還沒有出現像dashboard這樣的產品呢。

Australia ' s financial circles are abuzz this morning as the market digests the possibility of one of australia ' s iconic companies being swallowed up by an american giant in the biggest takeover bid in australia ' s corporate history 今天早上,澳大利亞金融業界一片眾說紛紜,澳大利亞其中一間標志性的公司,正在被一間來自美國的龍頭企業收購,這是澳大利亞公司收購歷史上成交額最大的一宗公司收購,股票市場對此不斷分析其成功的可能性。

Though no official confirmation has come from nasa on whether the figure is an alien or an optical illusion caused by landscape on mars , it has set the internet abuzz that whether there really is life on mars 盡管美國宇航局尚未正式確認這個“人形”是“火星人”還是由火星特殊地形引起的視錯覺,但這張照片已在互聯網上引起了是否真的存在“火星人”的熱烈討論。

Australia ' s financial circles are abuzz this morning as the market digests the possibility of one of australia ' s iconic companies being swallowed up by an american giant in the biggest takeover bid in australia ' s corporate history 今早,正當市場謠傳出一間澳大利亞形象公司將在一場澳洲史上最大宗收購交易上被美國巨人并吞的可能性時,引起澳洲金融圈一陣嘩然。

Cape town , south africa abuzz with happy fellow practitioners , the cape town center prepared parcels of food , personal hygiene products , bundles of clothing , and blankets for local homeless people 南非開普敦小中心一時熱鬧騰騰,因為一群快樂的同修們正在為當地無家可歸者準備許多食物個人衛生用品衣物和毛毯。

Early the following year a monthly magazine picked up the story , and then it hit the internet . university entrance exam sites were abuzz with it 下一年的年初,一家月刊對此進行了報道,后來又在國際互聯網上成為熱點。大學入學考試的網站上沸反盈天的全是關于這個問題的討論。

Washington was abuzz with talk of laws to protect the us consumer from faulty goods ( and maybe slow the cross - pacific flow of manufacturing jobs to boot ) 美國政府忙著討論制定法律,以保護美國消費者不受問題產品的影響(此外,還可能放緩制造業崗位的跨太平洋流動) 。

When the first announcements came out that a new sharp zaurus would “ run linux , “ the linux community was abuzz with fascination and rumors 當sharp zaurus首次聲明要“運行linux ”時, linux社區一時間變得熱鬧非凡,既有愛好者的歡呼,又充斥了各種謠言。

64 the most painful part of the process will pass in a couple of minutes , after which the area will feel abuzz with electricity and warmth 整個過程中最痛的部分會在開始的幾分鐘后過去,之后紋身部位會感覺到電機的震顫和熱熱的感覺。

Now the audience was abuzz , wondering what tesla was going to do with his miniature lake and the six - foot boat that floated on its surface 觀眾交頭接耳,猜想著特士拉設置這座迷你湖以及湖上那艘1 . 8公尺長的船,究竟有何用意。

Her arrival sets the whole town abuzz , wakes up old conflicts , and sets off new emotional storms 娜美的到來引起所有鎮居民的注意,老沖突舊事重提,和引起了新的情感矛盾。

Dislike the woman of big voice , dislike abuzz environment , dislike the voice of surroundings everything 討厭大嗓門的女人,討厭嘈雜的環境,討厭周圍一切的聲音!

Given this understanding , the british people feel little burden in keeping the corner abuzz with speeches 英國人有了這個共識,政治上也就沒什么包袱了。

The area on the north coast around the island ' s biggest city , fukuoka , is abuzz 圍繞島上最大的城市的北海岸區域,福岡,非常繁榮。

The diplomatic community is abuzz 外交社團議論紛紛

Inside the school , everyone was abuzz about the bizarre weather 學校里,所有人都在談論這種怪異天氣。

In less than twenty-four hours london was abuzz . 不到二十四小時的光景,倫敦就熱鬧開了。

The class is abuzz with discussion . 課堂討論很熱烈。