
abundance n.豐富,充裕,富裕 (opp. scarcity)。 ...


An economic role , providing an abundance of excellent products 提供豐富質優產品的經濟角色

Life because of paying a love , but ising also an abundance 生命因為付出了愛,而更為富足。

Wecome to chengdu - the land of abundance 歡迎來到天府之國成都!

Bird abundance along the shoreline of kau sai chau was low 沿?西洲海岸線的鳥類數量很低。

China commercial bank ' s earning money , growing and abundance analysis 增長性和充足性分析

I don ' t want that you give from your abundance 我不要你從充裕中付出。

Grant us an abundance of religious vocations 求你給予我們豐富的圣召。

[ niv ] mercy , peace and love be yours in abundance 愿憐恤、 4平安、慈愛,多多地加給你們。

Our bodies derive an abundance of hematin from food 人體從食物中取得大量的正鐵血紅素。

And to bring them the abundance of all thy fruits 賜予他們你豐厚的果實

Chastity is a wealth that comes from abundance of love 貞潔是從豐富的愛中得來的財富。

Your lover offers you an abundance of miracles every day 愛人每天給你帶來無限的奇跡。

The root chakra is the dreamtime of abundance 根脈輪是豐饒的夢想時間層。

So david prepared an abundance before his death 于是,大衛在未死之先豫備的材料甚多。

Only such space could show the abundance of culture 也只有這樣的空間才能

An abundance of internationally recognized professionals 國際認可的專業人士

They needed to learn the lesson of abundance 其實,他們就需要學會知足常樂這一課。

Abundance has it fans , dearie . - not in foreign affairs 多有多的好處,寶貝兒

There was an abundance of entertainment for the evening 晚會的節目內容非常豐富。