
absurdism n.(哲學和文藝方面的)荒誕主義。


Based on analyzing the relation between woman and history , this thesis focused on chinese contemporary female chronicle plays and discussed the change of female chronicle plays from 1980s to 1990s female chronicle plays , which used the means of absurdism , secularity and humanism , waken the patrilineal culture by emphasizing the power of female and debasing the male 摘要本文從分析女性寫作與歷史劇創作產生聯系的內外在原因入手,梳理了新時期以來女性歷史劇從感應時代需求,力圖構建宏大敘事的審美風格轉換成為90年代顛覆權威敘述、建構女性視角下的歷史言說的沿革變化。

His play , waiting for godot 1953 has become a twentieth century classic of absurdism 他的劇作《等待多戈》 ( 1953 )已經成為20世紀荒誕主義經典作品。