
absurd adj.不合理的;荒謬的,荒誕的,荒唐無稽的;荒唐可笑的...


Language environment of absurd about wild grass love and hate 愛與憎的悖論語境

Don ' t be absurd . no job is worth dying for 不要逞能了。沒有什么值得這么玩命。

The pleading with noriega is beyond absurd 向諾列加好言相求真是荒唐得無以復加。

Rational implication of the absurd in moral education 道德教育悖論的合理性意蘊

It is absurd to go out in such terrible weather 在這麼惡劣的天氣里出去太荒唐。

It is absurd to go out in such terrible weather 在這么惡劣的天氣里出去太荒唐。

Pen went downstairs, his heart reproaching him for his absurd behaviour to laura, whose gentle and imploring looks followed and rebuked him . 潘走下樓去,他的心一直在為他對露拉的乖謬態度責備自己,她那溫柔而懇求的目光始終在他眼前申斥著他。

It seems absurd at first sight that we should despise their persons, and yet reward their talents with the most profuse liberality . 我們在一方面鄙視其人格,在另一方面都又對其才能給與非常優厚的報酬,這乍看起來,似乎很不合理。

The painter's absurd jealousy, his wild devotion, his extravagant panegyrics, his curious reticence--he understood them all now . 畫家那一陣莫名其妙的嫉妒,他那瘋狂的熱誠,過分的阿諛和古怪的沉默他現在都理解啦。

I'm very sorry to offend your prejudices but it seems to me absurd that i should prostrate myself in gratitude to god . 很對不起,我會冒犯你們的偏見,可是說我應當對上帝伏拜感恩,我覺得是荒唐可笑的。

This inoffensive courtier of impeccable manners was executed senselessly after an absurd trial lasting less than an hour . 這位舉止完美,與世無爭的庭臣經過不到一小時荒謬的審判就被毫無道理地處決了。

This is false wisdom, which, with all its glory, is but little less absurd than that folly, which pursues only pleasure . 這是虛假的聰明,表面上堂而皇之,實際上跟單純為追求享樂的愚蠢行為同樣荒唐。

About half past eight i passed by an absurd little theatre, with great flaring gas-jets and gaudy play bills . 大約八點半的時候,我從一家可笑的小劇場前走過,那兒有點光亮的煤氣燈和俗艷的海報。

When he leaves school and enters the world, the boy is not disposed to consider rule absurd and authority ridiculous . 那孩子走出學校進入社會時,并不以為統治是荒誕的,權威是可笑的。

The absurd and backward-looking notion of locating a research centre in an effete, rundown, has-been country . 把研究中心設在一個蒼老、衰退、過了時的國家,純屬愚蠢,開倒車的想法。

For a while she sat in her arm-chair, opening and shutting the absurd ivory fan between her fingers . 她在扶手椅里坐了一會兒,不停地把拿在手上的那把可笑的象牙折扇打開來又合上。

Philip could never help feeling that to say passionate things in english sounded a little absurd . 菲利浦不禁覺得,用英語去說那些溫柔纏綿的情話,聽起來總是有那么點不倫不類的。

For a moment i considered it absurd that i should need such a weapon to gain admittance into my own residence . 當時我認為需要這么一個武器才能進自己的家,那是荒謬的。

She instantly felt that she was the greatest simpleton in the world, the most unaccountable and absurd ! 她當即感到她是世界上最大的笨蛋,真是荒唐至極,不可思議。