
abstainer n.1.戒酒的人。2.棄權者。短語和例子a total ...

Lifetime alcohol consumption was associated with type 2 diabetes in a u - shaped fashion - in that it was increased in abstainers and excessive drinkers in comparison with those with moderate consumption . the investigators note that their data “ agree with previous observations and expand this evidence to older women and lifetime alcohol consumption . 另外,研究人員還發現了人們終生飲酒習慣和患糖尿病危險這兩者的關系,即和適量飲酒的人相比,那些過量飲酒以及從不飲酒的人,其患ii型糖尿病的危險都要大得多。

“ drinkers typically tend to be more social than abstainers . “ the researchers said their empirical survey backed up the theory , and said the most likely explanation is that drinkers have a wider range of social contacts that help provide better job and business opportunities 研究人員說,他們的實證性調查可為這個理論提供支持,此外,對這個問題最合理的解釋是,飲酒人士的社會交往較為廣泛,這有助于他們得到更好的工作和更多的商業機會。

“ drinkers typically tend to be more social than abstainers . “喝酒的人通常比不喝酒的人善于交際。 ”

“ drinkers typically tend to be more social than abstainers . “喝酒的人通常比不喝酒的人善于交際。 ”


Lifetime alcohol consumption was associated with type 2 diabetes in a u - shaped fashion - in that it was increased in abstainers and excessive drinkers in comparison with those with moderate consumption . the investigators note that their data “ agree with previous observations and expand this evidence to older women and lifetime alcohol consumption . 另外,研究人員還發現了人們終生飲酒習慣和患糖尿病危險這兩者的關系,即和適量飲酒的人相比,那些過量飲酒以及從不飲酒的人,其患ii型糖尿病的危險都要大得多。

“ drinkers typically tend to be more social than abstainers . “ the researchers said their empirical survey backed up the theory , and said the most likely explanation is that drinkers have a wider range of social contacts that help provide better job and business opportunities 研究人員說,他們的實證性調查可為這個理論提供支持,此外,對這個問題最合理的解釋是,飲酒人士的社會交往較為廣泛,這有助于他們得到更好的工作和更多的商業機會。

In the new study , published in the american journal of clinical nutrition , researchers found that healthy women who drank upwards of six cups of coffee per day were no more likely than abstainers to develop high blood pressure over the next decade 這項新研究發表在《美國臨床營養學雜志》上,研究人員報導發現,每天喝6杯以上咖啡的健康婦女,在之后的二十年里,患上高血壓的可能性并不比不喝咖啡者要大。

In the new study , published in the american journal of clinical nutrition , researchers found that healthy women who drank upwards of six cups of coffee per day were no more likely than abstainers to develop high blood pressure over the next decade 在美國《美國臨床營養學雜志》發表的這項新研究中,研究人員發現,每天喝6杯以上咖啡的健康婦女,在之后的二十年里,并不比戒斷咖啡者更可能患上高血壓。

The authors said , drinkerstypically tend to be more social than abstainers . the researchers said their empirical survey backed up thetheory , and said the most likely explanation is that drinkers have awiderrange of social contacts that help provide better job andbusinessopportunities 同時他們還表示,這個實驗調查印證了他們的理論,這是因為飲酒者廣闊的社會圈能為他們提供更好的工作和商機。

For instance , could lifelong abstainers differ from drinkers in psychological traits , dietary habits , physical exercise habits or other ways that might account for their higher chd risk without the need to invoke the absence of alcohol 譬如說,畢生滴酒不沾的人,是否在心理特質、飲食習慣、運動或其他方面不同于喝酒的人,因而才會有比較高的chd風險,而不是因為不喝酒的關系?

On the other hand , women who drank coffee occasionally or in moderation - - reporting anywhere from zero to three cups a day - - had a higher risk of developing high blood pressure than the heavy coffee drinkers or the abstainers 另一方面,偶爾喝咖啡或者中度飲用咖啡的婦女- -報道說一天零到三杯?比大量飲用咖啡者或者戒斷者有更大的患上高血壓的危險性。

Compared with abstainers , women consuming moderate amounts of alcohol 5 to 30 grams per week were much less likely to develop diabetes . ten grams of alcohol constitutes one standard drink 研究結果顯示,與那些滴酒不沾的人相比,那些適量飲酒的女性每周5克至30克更不易患ii型糖尿病。

He is practically a total abstainer and i can affirm that he sleeps on a straw litter and eats the most spartan food , cold dried grocer s peas 他簡直是個絕對戒酒的人。我敢斷言,他睡在稻草褥子上,吃的是最儉樸的食物菜店里那冰涼的干豌豆。

On average , the women who quaffed a beer or a glass of wine each day tended to have the mental agility of someone a year and a half younger than abstainers 每天喝一杯啤酒或葡萄酒的女性的思維能力平均比同齡戒酒女性年輕1歲半。

We discovered that those who had one or two alcoholic drinks a day had a 32 percent lower risk of dying from chd than abstainers did 我們發現,每天喝一兩杯酒的人,死于chd的機率比不喝酒的人低了32 % 。

They concluded that men who drink earn 10 percent more than abstainers and women drinkers earn 14 percent more than non - drinkers 男飲士比禁酒者多掙百分之10 ,女飲士則多百分之14 。

The investigation and analysis of interpersonal relationship and self - esteem on 242 cases of female drug abstainers 242例戒毒女性人際關系和自尊水平的調查與分析

A study of attentional bias on heroin - related cues and negative - physical cues in heroin abstainers 海洛因戒除者對相關線索和負性生理線索的注意偏向

The heroin abstainers ' attentional bias to heroin - related cues in different healing phases 不同康復時相戒除者對海洛因相關線索的注意偏向