
abele n.【植物;植物學】銀白楊。


Rollwalztechnik abele + h ? ltich gmbh is well - known not only in engen with gear cutting machines , rolling mills and profile milling machine as well as with precision tools , thread rolling machines , flat - die - type and thread rolling machines with cylindrical dies , but also with further offers , like knurling tools , thread machines and / or gear rolling machines , cutting machine tools and precision cutting tools 是一家理想的企業,該企業制造最新的、杰出的金屬加工,滾螺紋機,螺紋滾軋機(包括滾螺紋機及搓螺紋機) ,研磨機械,機床,螺紋機械,磨床、砂輪機、刃磨機,引人注目的機床,改形機床。