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a fond 〔法語〕完全,徹底。supporting their p...

a fortiori

If it weren ' t for the fact that writer - director quentin tarantino took 12 hours out of his hectic1 life to convince the former superstar to play heroin - addicted hit man vincent vega in his pulp fiction , travolta might have remained a fond throwback to the era of platform shoes and gold chains 若不是劇作家兼導演昆廷?塔倫蒂諾在百忙之中抽出12個小時說服約翰?特拉沃爾塔在他的《低俗小說》中飾演癮君子職業殺手文森特?威格,這位前超級巨星也許現在還是一位屬于坡形高跟鞋和金表鏈時代的讓人回憶起來還蠻喜歡的昔日大腕。

Yet another person may refer to the city where he was born , grew up , got married and set up his essential network of relations . he may have a fond memory of the place or , in short , it is a place where he feels he belongs to 選擇祖籍地的,或許是對宗親祖輩懷有深情,也可能此地人文薈萃,名噪天下選擇出生成長的城市,或許是對那里記憶深刻選擇成家立業的地方,或許因為那里有主要人際關系的網絡,在那里才感覺到擁有和歸屬。

There were trifles , too , little ornaments , beautiful tokens of a continual remembrance , that must have been wrought by delicate fingers , at the impulse of a fond heart 還有一些小玩藝兒,一些小小的飾物,以及一些表示持續的懷念的精美的紀念品,想必是一顆愛心沖動之財,用一雙纖手制作的。

Yao zhen - han has been considered as a fonder of new chinese country poems for a long time . he is a poet of uniqueness , achievement , contribution and power 摘要姚振函長期以來被稱為中國新鄉土詩的奠基人,是新時期涌現的一位有特色、有成就、有貢獻、有實力的詩人。

Thank the guest for their business and bid them a fond farewell . make their last impression of the hotel warm and positive 感謝客人光臨,親切地向客人說再見,令他們臨離開之前對酒店留下溫馨難忘的好印象。

Having a fragrant coffee , smoking a havana cigar and reading a fond magazine will make you feel relaxed and full of vigor 飲一杯香濃的咖啡,抽一支哈瓦那雪茄,翻翻喜愛的雜志,有助您舒緩身心,抖擻精神。

As a person , touch someone ' s life and become a fond memory for a special person 作為人,要關心他人的生活,給某個摯友留下美好的回憶。

A fond embrace 深情的擁抱

My career in elementary education in canada is now just a fond memory 在加拿大教小學的職業生涯,如今成了美好的回憶。

A fond mother may spoil her child 溺愛的母親可能會寵壞她的孩子

A fond mother may spoil her child 溺愛的母親可能會寵壞她的孩子。

Upon his death , the chinese gave him a fond farewell 對于他的去世,中國人表示了深切地悼念。

So bid me a fond farewell we both had our fun *那就溫柔地和我分手,大家各得其所*

Today that ritual is just a fond memory . 到今天,這種儀式已成為美好的回憶了。

This, of course, is a fond delusion . 這當然是一廂情愿的海市蜃樓。