
zoologist n.動物學家。


Raised in african bush country by her zoologist parents , cady heron thinks she knows about survival of the fittest . but the law of the jungle takes on a whole new meaning when the home - schooled 15 - year - old enters public high school for the first time and encounters psychological warfare and unwritten social rules that teenage girls face today 姬迪的父母是野生動物學家,從小就在非洲長大,她自以為很了解物競天擇弱肉強食的道理,但是當這名從從來沒有上過一天學的十五歲少女第一次入學,她卻發現自己闖入另一個比非洲叢林更可怕地方公立中學,正值青春的少女在那里爭奇斗艷勾心斗角,這場美少女戰爭將完全失控,究竟哪位小主最后能毫發無傷地完成學業,且看她們全新一套的生存法則。

Zoologists have reminded us that the extinction of animal species indicates that some characteristics of human beings are disappearing as well . it is stated in the bible that animals were created to accompany human beings ; in fact , many animals have shown characteristics from which human beings could learn . for example , observing that insects such as bees and ants get along so well in groups , human beings should learn the importance of cooperation ; watching the loyalty of dogs , we should realize the value of being loyal in life ; and seeing fish swimming in a group shows humanity the order and rhythm of all creation 動物學家則提醒人類,瀕臨絕種的動物正顯示人類有些特質正逐漸消逝,因為在圣經上曾說:動物是創造來陪伴人類的,而事實上許多動物正顯現出人類應該學習的生命特質,例如看著合群的昆蟲如蜜蜂和螞蟻,人們更知道合作的重要看著忠心的狗兒,人們則體會生命的忠誠而魚兒成群的游泳,顯示出萬物的秩序和節奏。

To boost their chances at successfully fathering offspring , the male spiders can adjust how quickly they mature , depending on how many mating prospects are nearby , said maydianne andrade , a zoologist at the university of toronto at scarborough in ontario , canada 加拿大艾略特省多倫多大學的一位動物學教授安德雷德說,雄性紅背蜘蛛為了增加成功繁殖后代的機會,會根據他周圍雌性紅背蜘蛛的數量,調節自己的發育快慢。

Founded on this english channel island in 1959 by zoologist gerald durrell , the jersey trust zoo ( now called durrell wildlife ) protects and breeds more than 100 endangered species , including birds , mammals , reptiles , and amphibians 澤西信托動物園(現改名為杜瑞爾野生動物園)位于英吉利海峽的島上,在1959年由動物學家杰洛德杜瑞爾建立,這里保護飼養著包括鳥類,哺乳類,爬行類和兩棲類等在內的100多種瀕危動物。

Thus also , the oxford zoologist richard dawkins , who calls himself “ the world ' s most prominent atheist “ , asserts the “ irrationality of belief in god and the grievous harm religion has inflicted on society , from the crusades to 9 / 11 “ 因此,自稱“世界上最著名的無神論者”的牛津動物學家理查德.道金斯斷言說, “從十字軍到911 ,上帝信仰的非理性以及宗教令人憂傷的傷害已讓社會飽受痛苦。 ”

No really satisfactory photograph has ever been taken of one in a wild state , no zoologist , however intrepid , has been able to keep the animal under close and constant observation in the dark jungle in which he lives 沒有誰拍攝過一張真正令人滿意的野生狀態下的大猩猩的照片,至今還沒有任何一位動物學家,不管他多么勇敢,能夠在大猩猩所生活的黑暗叢林里對這種動物進行過細致而持久的觀察。

Zoologists said they were delighted and perplexed at the birth of four rare komodo dragons , whose paternity remains a mystery . the four reptiles were born last month from a clutch laid at london zoo by a female called sungai 法國動物學家們日前表示,他們對最近4只珍稀的科莫多巨蜥寶寶的誕生既感到高興又有些迷惑不解,因為他們至今沒弄清這些巨蜥寶寶的爸爸到底是誰。

A dna test has confirmed what zoologists , hunters and aboriginal trackers in the far northern reaches of canada have dreamed of for years : the first documented case of a grizzly - polar bear in the wild 在野生環境中能見到北極熊和灰熊的混血兒嗎?對于這個問題的可能性,生活在加拿大北部地區的獵人科學家和那些極具想象力的人們已經討論了數年之久。

Rather than business school teachers , the professors come across as zoologists contemplating the hunting , feeding ( but , thankfully , not mating ) habits of a rare and rapacious species 與其講這些教授是`商學院教師,不如講這些人是`動物學家,鉆研?種稀有食肉動物的獵食及進食的習慣(謝天謝地,不用研究其交配習慣) 。

Raised in african bush country by her zoologist parents , cady heron thinks she knows about survival of the fittest . but the law of the jungle takes on . . 姬迪的父母是野生動物學家,從小就在非洲長大,她自以為很了解物競天擇弱肉強食的道理,但是當這名從從來沒有上過一天學的十五歲少女第一次入學,她卻發現自己

The species was discovered in the highly acidic peat swamps of the indonesian island of sumatra by a team led by ralf britz , a zoologist at the natural history museum in london 英國倫敦自然歷史博物館的動物學家布利茲領導的科考隊在印度尼西亞的蘇門答臘島的一片高酸性泥煤沼澤地中發現了這種微小的魚類。

It may look like a snake and live like a snake . but a tiny reptile found recently in india is something else entirely , an indian zoologist announced today 也許它看上去就像是一條蛇,生活方式也和蛇一樣。但是這個近日在印度發現的小爬蟲卻是一個與蛇完全不同的東西。一位印度動物學家今日宣稱。

How ever , when the reporter arrived he found out that the zoologist had been brought to ju stice , becau se he had taught a junior among the go rilla fam ily to talk 但是,當記者趕到的時候,卻得知動物學家已被起訴,因為他教猩猩家族里的小猩猩說話。

Zoologists discovered the colony of freshwater crabs when they examined water quality in a channel running under the imperial forum 據每日電訊報10月31日報道,考古學家在檢查廣場地下水渠的水質時發現那里竟然有大約550只淡水螃蟹安營扎寨。

On the whole , though , the continent ' s rhino populations are well managed and growing , said zoologist simon milledge , who authored the study 該研究作者的動物學家米雷基表示,雖然整體而言,非洲大陸的犀牛數量已受到妥善控制,并持續增加中。

Some zoologists and experts think that much money should be spend on the wild animals protects , however i disagree with this viewpoint for the following reasons 至于分段,兩段是可以的,但做好是三四段,建議你看劍四劍五的范文。

Fritz vollrath is a zoologist and expert on spider silk at the university of oxford in england , who was not involved in the research 弗里茲是英國牛津大學的動物學家也是蛛絲方面的專家.他并沒有參與到這項研究中

When anything in wrong in future , what you need to say for yourself is : i am not a zoologist nor a gas specialist either 將來如果出現什么意外,只要說自己不是動物學家,不是燃氣專家,一切都可以上推下卸。

Finally , the judge agreed , but said he needed a reaso n to justify why the zoologist wanted to teach go rillas to talk 最后,法官被說服了,但他需要一個理由來證明動物學家有正當理由教猩猩說話。