
zither n.【音樂】齊特拉琴〔一種古代撥弦樂器,有五根旋律弦和3...


It is said these 3 deaf - mute girls between 16 and 18 started learning playing the chinese zither from the very beginning and after over one year ' s hard practice , they were finally able to win such an honor 據介紹,這三名聾啞女孩年齡都在16到18歲之間,三人從零開始學習古箏,經歷一年多艱苦的學習終于獲得這項榮譽。

Invention of gear - driven switch with “ zither “ ( piano wire ) line banks . not used commercially . 200 - line “ zither “ board with ratchet drive installed at laporte , indiana , usa 發明帶有“齊特琴” (鋼琴絲)式接線排的齒輪傳動交換機。沒有用于商業。美國印第安納州拉波特安裝了帶有棘齒驅動的200線路“齊特琴”主板。

We warmly welcome experts and professors in the field of zither , friends in music and instrumental music circle , and agents and dealers at homeand abroad . let ' s marchforward hand in hand for our new future 現我們誠邀相關的專家、教授及音樂、器樂界的朋友加盟,并誠征國內外的代理商及經銷商,共創事業的輝煌。

This marked the first of a series of musical performances held throughout the exhibition featuring various styles and instruments , including chinese zither , violin and piano 在書展期間,我們規劃了一系列不同風格的樂器演奏,包括古箏小提琴鋼琴等,演奏的同修彈奏出靈魂的愉悅,動人心弦!

Honoured with several provincial and national prizes , liu fang graduated from the shanghai conservatory of music , where she also studied the guzheng , a chinese zither 劉芳多次在云南省及全國青少年民族器樂比賽中獲獎,她畢業于上海音樂學院古箏專業。畢業后回到昆明在市歌舞團擔任獨奏演員。

Mr . ta also performed a tender solo rendition of “ lend me your god . “ the zither , masterfully played by mr . ta , brought a new level of feeling to the narrations of master s poetry 隨后謝師兄也獨奏一首柔和曼妙的曲子借神仙,他以純熟精湛的彈奏技巧,將師父的詩作帶至全新的意境。

As soon as you hear the sound of the horn , flute , zither , lyre , harp , pipes and all kinds of music , you must fall down and worship the image of gold that king nebuchadnezzar has set up 5你們一聽見角,笛,琵琶,琴,瑟,笙,和各樣樂器的聲音,就當俯伏敬拜尼布甲尼撒王所立的金像。

There are the classical music club , harmonica club , chorus , orchestra band , chinese music club , piano club , chinese zither club , ye - kuang chorus , and pop music band 愛樂社、口琴社、合唱團、管弦樂社、國樂社、鋼琴社、古箏社、夜光合唱團、熱音社、口琴社都屬音樂性社團的范疇。

Guqin has evolved from a block of wood with the mounting of silk strings to a seven - string zither , and from the folk music of the common people to the music of the literati 古琴從架木懸絲走向七弦琴,從民間樂器走向文人器樂大音希聲,多種琴藝文化得以蔓衍滋生。

Totally , guangdong province sent 15 programmes and 3 zhuhai girls won the national first prize with their chinese zither ensemble in the music instrument performance 廣東省共有15個節目參加,我市三名文孩表演的古箏合奏《漁舟唱晚》在器樂比賽中獲得了全國一等獎。

A virtuoso player of the pipa and no slouch on the guzheng zither , as ably displayed on this cd of time - worn compositions from back home 很難相信這樣的音樂出自一個如此年輕的女性之手,恰如一場夾雜著復雜矛盾情緒的豪雨瓢潑下來,令人猝不及防。

From american ants to zebras with zithers , kids will love exploring the alphabet in this classically creative p . d . eastman alphabet book 這本書主要在介紹26個字母,每一個字母作者則造了一個相關的簡單片語,適合2歲以上兒童閱讀。

Music played with the instrument koto . later also accompanied by shamisen and shakuhachi . the koto is a zither with 13 strings 用古箏演奏的音樂,后世也允許三味線或者尺八參加演奏。古箏是一種有13根弦的彈撥樂器。

3 zhuhai deaf - mute girls won the 1st prize with their chinese zither ensemble at the 6th national handicapped person art festival 在第六屆全國殘疾人藝術匯演上,來自我市三名聾啞女孩表演的古箏合奏獲得了一等獎。

Japanese stringed instrument that resembles a zither ; has a rectangular wooden sounding box and silk strings that are plucked with the fingers 日本類似箏的弦樂器;帶有一個方形木制的發聲盒和絲弦用手指彈奏。

From shanghai five - love senior high school , to be good at flute zither playing , like to read , meditate and overlook 來自上海五愛高級中學,愛好長笛和古箏演奏。喜歡讀書凝思和眺望。

From guangdong province , to be good at zither and flute playing , like to play tennis ball and listen concert 來自廣東,愛好古箏和長笛演奏,喜歡打網球和聽音樂會。

In the song , chow uses chinese drums , the zither and the flute to call up the spirit of chinese kungfu 這首歌,周杰倫用中國的鼓、錚和長笛喚起中國功夫的精神。

Yue general : i m in fanyu , like to play zither and in studying , hope to know more friends here 越將:我在番禺,喜歡古箏彈奏,現在正在學習中,希望可以結交各位朋友