
zinger n.〔美俚〕1.有力的言語[行動];有力的反駁。2.精神...


The kfc advert was promoting the chain ' s zinger crunch salad and featured office workers singing inaudibly while eating the salad 大部分投訴者指出,呼叫中心工作人員在廣告中的這一形象給孩子們樹立了壞榜樣。

The kfc advert was promoting the chain s zinger crunch salad and featured office workers singing inaudibly while eating the salad 大部分投訴者指出,呼叫中心工作人員在廣告中的這一形象給孩子們樹立了壞榜樣。

Another brilliant zinger 又是一個精彩的反駁

The president ' s resignation was a real zinger 總統的辭退真的是令人震撼的事。