
zend n.1.(祆教經典)《亞吠陀》古波斯語譯解。2.(八世紀...

zend avesta

Zendlicense manager : the zend license manager allows isv ' s & psp ' s toimpose a variety of license policies on commercial php applications . licensing both strengthens protection and enhances vendors ' revenuegeneration opportunities (授權管理器) :可以使軟件獨立開發商或開發個人針對php的商業應用生產出不同的版本政策,加強了授權的保護性,產生更多的商業機會,提高了銷售收入。

The religious system founded in persia by zoroaster and set forth in the zend - avesta , teaching the worship of ormazd in the context of a universal struggle between the forces of light and of darkness 波斯教,瑣羅亞斯德教,襖教:在波斯,由瑣羅亞斯德創立的宗教派別,在阿維斯陀圣經中闡明其教義,在宇宙中光明與黑暗勢力的斗爭中,教導人們崇拜光明神奧爾穆茲德。

Recently , zend released zend core for ibm , which is as a php v5 - based solution that includes php extensions for cloudscape and a bundled cloudscape database server 最近, zend公司為ibm發布了zend core ,該軟件可以看作是基于php v5的解決方案,其中包括用于cloudscape的php擴展和綁定的cloudscape數據庫服務器。

An updated and simplified driver for php application development with the free zend core for ibm tooling that makes php and db2 application development easier than ever 工具進行php應用程序開發提供經過更新和簡化的驅動程序,可以使php和db2應用程序開發比以前更容易。

The zend framework uses the model - view - controller ( mvc ) architecture . this is used to separate out the different parts of your application to make development and maintenance easier 控制器:控制器同模型和視圖配合在一起,把正確的數據顯示在合適的頁面上。

On february 25 , 2005 ibm and zend technologies announced a strategic partnership to collaborate on the development and support of the php environment 2005年2月25日, ibm和zend technologies宣布建立戰略伙伴關系,在php環境的開發和支持方面進行合作。

Zend core for ibm is a seamless , out - of - the - box , easy to install and support php development and production environment Zend core for ibm是一種無縫集成、開箱即用、易于安裝并且支持php的開發和生產環境。

All management and monitoring of the zend platform is done through a very clean and attractive browser - based interface 通過一非常清晰和完美的基于瀏覽器的界面,所有的管理和監控就可以被掌控。

Beyond this initial announcement , ibm and zend are working together on furthering php technology directions 除了初步宣布的合作方式之外, ibm和zend還將在php技術上進一步加強合作。

Zend core for ibm delivers a rapid development and deployment foundation for database - driven applications Zend core for ibm為數據庫驅動的應用程序提供了快速開發和部署的基礎。

With the php 5 release , zend took an important step towards serving the needs of enterprise customers 隨著php 5的發布, zend向服務企業客戶的需求邁出了重要的一步。

Zend core for ibm : learn more about the php tooling supported in fixpack 10 :學習更多關于fixpack 10中所支持的php工具的知識。

Ibm , together with zend core , provides a similar combinaiton for php development Ibm和zend core共同提供了類似的php開發組合。