
yowl n.,vi.(長聲)悲號;長吼,狂嘯。


No matter how many times i said , come here , bong - soon she refused to obey and cried with a yowl 我不斷地呼喚她:奉順,來這里!她都不予理會,只是嚎叫著。

Thunder crashing cat yowling 貓嘶叫聲

The cat set up a frightful yowl when the dog appear 貓看到那條狗就都大聲叫起。

The cats set up a frightful yowling when the dog appeared . 貓看到那條狗就都大聲叫起來。

Suddenly, the cat lets out a heart-rending yowl . 突然,那貓發出一聲撕心的嚎叫。