
youth n.(pl. youths )1.少年,少小時候,少年[...

youth culture

They passed the hat to raise funds for the new youth centre . 他們為新的青年活動中心募捐。

The desire to advance of a youth is an asset of great value . 青年人的上進心是十分可貴的。

The youth rejected admonition and held to his demand . 青年不聽勸告,仍然堅持自己的要求。

She exulted in her youth . 她陶醉于自己的青春。

His youth disqualified him from becoming president ... 由于他太年輕,因而沒有資格當主席。

She keeps her youth well . 她善于保養她的青春。

He was passionately fond of a youth named hyacinthus . 他十分喜愛一個名叫雅辛托斯的少年。

We must allow for his youth . 我們得體諒他年輕。

Youth is half the battle . 年輕氣銳就是一半成功。

People are always talking about the problem of youth . 人們老是喋喋不休地談論青年問題。

He saw a youth of great radiance beckoning to him . 他看見一個豐神飄逸的少年向他招手。

The scene awakened reminiscence of my youth . 這景象喚起了我對青年時代許多往事的追想。

Youth took things so hard . 年輕人是經不起打擊的。

He led a wild life in his youth . 他年輕時放蕩不羈。

They billeted in youth hotel . 他們在青年飯店住下來。

Youth and the joy of life were in his blood . 他的血液里充滿了青春以及生命的歡樂。

The youth was between the two wills . 小伙子進退兩難。

The country lost the flower of its youth in the war . 國家在戰爭中喪失了青年精英。

He was a sallow youth with hair combed back . 他是一個膚色發黃的青年,留著個背頭。