
you pron.〔sing., pl.〕1.〔人稱代詞第二人稱...


Coming whether you want to or not . 不管你想來不想來,你是一定得來。

What associations does the sea have for you ? 你從大海能聯想到什么?

Are you having me tailed by the private eye ? 你派偵探釘我的梢了么?

I will give you a pound in part payment . 我會給你一鎊作為先付部分。

She'll not think you of enough importance . 在她眼里,你還不夠資格。

Jerry : man , you are really aggressive ! 杰端:老兄,你真有侵略性!

Would you care to come for a walk with me ? 您來和我一起散散步好嗎?

George : have you just been to the cinema ? 喬治:你剛去過電影院嗎?

Do you find them agreeable acquaintance ? 你們覺得和他們交往愉快嗎?

He did not even bother to say thank you . 他甚至連說一聲謝謝都不肯。

What construction do you put on his actions ? 你對他的行為作何解釋?

You will be in your hearts to one another . 你們彼此之間將心心相印。

I hope you won't forget me entirely . 我希望你不會把我忘個一干二凈。

Do you mean that it's none of my business ? 你以為它跟我毫無關系嗎?

You are allowed 1 liter of spirits duty-free . 你可免稅帶進1公升酒。

You talk as if there were dangers . 你講話好像有什么要大禍臨頭似的。

You need more protein to build you up . 你需要增加蛋白質以增強體質。

You should discourage him from taking that trip . 你應勸阻他去旅行。

There are exquisite things in store for you . 絕妙的東西在等著你吶。