
yore n.〔廢語〕昔,往昔〔現僅用于 of yore〕。 in...


The doggie hotel is nothing like kennels of yore in this inn there is lactose - free ice cream indoor recreation and for 10 more dollars a night pooch can stay in a “ suite “ with a television set showing an “ animal related movie all day “ said vince malanaphy who manages the petshotel 這家寵物旅館的經理文斯。瑪拉娜菲說,旅館為寵物們提供了不含乳糖的冰激凌室內娛樂,如果每晚多花十幾美元,狗狗們還可以住進配有電視機的套房,欣賞“全天放映的動物題材電影” 。

The doggie hotel is nothing like kennels of yore : in this inn there is lactose - free ice cream , indoor recreation , and for 10 more dollars a night , pooch can stay in a “ suite “ with a television set showing an “ animal related movie all day , “ said vince malanaphy , who manages the petshotel 這家寵物旅館的經理文斯瑪拉娜菲說,旅館為寵物們提供了不含乳糖的冰激凌室內娛樂,如果每晚多花十幾美元,狗狗們還可以住進配有電視機的套房,欣賞“全天放映的動物題材電影” 。

The prison on the crag was not so dominant as of yore ; there were soldiers to guard it , but not many ; there were officers to guard the soldiers , but not one of them knew what his men would do - beyond this : that it would probably not be what he was ordered 懸崖頂上的監獄不像以前那么威風凜凜了。還有士兵守衛,但人數少了還有軍官管著士兵,但不知道士兵們會干什么一只知道他們也許會干出一些并沒有命令他們干的事。

From cahill s corner the reverend hugh c . love , m . a . , made obeisance unperceived , mindful of lords deputies whose hands benignant had held of yore rich advowsons 洛夫念念不忘的是:有俸圣職推舉權從前都掌握在寬厚的代理國王的諸侯手中。

At night , as of yore , musides sought the banquet halls of tegea whilst kalos wandered alone in the olive grove 就像往常一樣,穆賽德斯每天晚上到忒格亞去尋歡作樂,而喀洛斯則獨自在橄欖林中徘徊。

I know what you ' re going to tell me ? “ be more like the girl he married and love him as you did of yore . 我知道你要對我說些什么? “你要像你跟他結婚時的那個樣子,你要像你過去那樣地愛他。 ”

He dreamed the elegant homes of yore , but give no thought to their inelegant plumbing 他追憶著往昔雅致的屋舍,而不去回憶他們毫無風致可言的鉛工業。

The folks here are honest , good - natured , friendly and hospitable - a tradition from times of yore “吳越自古說清嘉” ,清嘉之風,源遠流長。

Yet the beer seemed not so good as of yore . it didn t taste as it used to taste 但是,那啤酒的味道卻似乎變了,沒有從前那么可口了。

In days of yore , a mighty runmbling was heard in a mountain 古時候,在一座山里發出了一陣隆隆巨響,據說這是大山要臨產了。

Links with bygone days of yore 同往昔歲月的聯系

Just don ' t tell me yore a bad guy 只要你別告訴我你是個壞人

In days of yore , we lived in poor 從前,我們的生活很窮困。

In days of yore , giants walked the earth 昔日,有巨人在地球上行走。

Don john conmee walked and moved in times of yore 也想到了我們的所作所為迥乎不同于天主。

S : in days of yore , giants walked the earth 昔日,有巨人在地球上行走。

He was “heavier“ than of yore and looked older; he stood there very solidly and sensibly . 他比以前更魁梧壯實了,模樣也老了一些,但站在那里顯得鎮靜沉著,神采奕奕。